Page 121 - International guidelines for groin hernia management
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           70% of men with these hernias will require surgery within  Women with groin hernias are advised to undergo
           5 years.                                           laparoscopic repair with preperitoneal mesh placement.
             Based on current literature it is not possible to determine  Again, groin hernia management will be based on sur-
           if a watchful waiting management strategy is safe for  geon’s expertise, patient- and hernia-related factors,
           symptomatic men with IHs. The risk of an IH becoming  available resources and logistics.
           incarcerated is less than 3% per year. About 5% of men  Complications
           with groin hernias require emergent repair. In patients with  Surgical treatment of an IH is successful in the majority of
           symptomatic IHs surgical repair is recommended.    cases. Complications of IH repair include: recurrences,
             Femoral hernias carry a higher risk of incarceration and  chronic postoperative pain, wound infections, urinary and
           strangulation than IHs. Approximately 17% of women with  sexual dysfunction, hematoma, seroma, visceral and vas-
           groin hernias require emergent repair. Therefore, timely  cular injury (uncommon), late postoperative complications
           repair is recommended in women with groin hernias. In  and mortality.
           femoral hernia patients, even if symptoms are vague or  Risk factors for recurrent IHs are: incorrect surgical
           absent, timely surgery is recommended.             technique, female gender, direct IHs, a sliding hernia,
             At all times surgeons will tailor their treatment based on  collagen metabolism disorders and obesity. Recurrence
           their expertise, patient- and hernia-related characteristics,  necessitates reoperation in 5–15% of cases.
           local/national resources and logistics.              Ten to twelve percent of IH repair patients experience at
           Surgical treatment                                 least a bothersome level of moderate pain that impacts
           Worldwide, more than 20 million patients undergo groin  daily activities. Risk factors for chronic postoperative
           hernia repair yearly. A generally accepted technique,  inguinal pain include: young age, female gender, high
           suitable for all IHs, does not exist. There are many different  preoperative pain and, early high postoperative pain. Long-
           techniques in routine use with varying advantages and  term disability due to chronic pain occurs in 10–12% of
           disadvantages. Surgical repair of a groin hernia can be  patients.
           performed with or without mesh, using either an open  The incidence of urinary retention following IH repair
           approach or a laparo-endoscopic one. The surgeon will  varies from less than 1 to 20%. The most common pre-
           discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each tech-  disposing factor is the use of general or regional anesthesia.
           nique with the patient. This is dependent upon the sur-  The incidence of sexual dysfunction causing symptoms of
           geon’s expertise, local and regional resources and patient  a moderate to severe degree is around 5–6%. Impairment
           preferences.                                       of testicular function and fertility occurs in less than 1%.
             Eighty-five percent of all IH repairs are performed using  Hematoma incidence is reduced after endoscopic IH
           an open approach. In high-resource settings, 15–55% are  repair compared with open repair. Most hematomas resolve
           performed laparo-endoscopically. It is recommended that  spontaneously over 2–4 weeks and can be managed
           patients with symptomatic IHs be treated with a mesh-  expectantly. Those with large, symptomatic or infected
           based repair technique. The Lichtenstein technique with  hematomas should be urgently referred back to their
           the onlay placement of a flat mesh is the criterion standard  surgeons.
           in open hernia repair and most frequently used. Trans-ab-  The reported incidence of seroma formation after IH
           dominal preperitoneal (TAPP) and total extraperitoneal  repair varies between 0.5 and 12%. Seroma formation risk
           (TEP) are laparo-endoscopic techniques in which a mesh is  factors are: coagulopathy, congestive liver diseases and
           inserted in the preperitoneal plane. In TEP a totally  cardiac insufficiency. There is no evidence that binders and
           preperitoneal approach is used with or without the help of a  other compression devices prevent hematoma and seroma
           dissection balloon. In TAPP a laparoscopy is performed.  formation. Most seroma resolve spontaneously over
           TAPP and TEP have similar operative times, overall  6–8 weeks. Since infections following seroma aspiration
           complication risks, postoperative acute and chronic pain  are regularly described, only symptomatic seromas need to
           incidence and recurrence rates. When a mesh is not  be treated.
           available, the Shouldice technique is the first choice in non-  Serious complications, such as bowel, bladder and vas-
           mesh IH repair. The Shouldice technique has lower  cular injuries, rarely occur during hernia surgery. They are
           recurrence rates that other suture repairs.        more common (although still rare) during endoscopic
             A simple IH operation can be performed on a day sur-  versus open repair.
           gery basis, unless the patient’s comorbidities require clin-  Death in the 30 days following IH repair is very rare and
           ical observation. Day surgery does require that adequate  mainly associated with emergent repair or related to
           aftercare is organized. Day surgery of patients with com-  medical comorbidities.
           plex IHs is suggested only in selected cases.

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