Page 125 - International guidelines for groin hernia management
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             HJB declares conflict of interest not directly related to the sub-  FM declares conflict of interest not directly related to the submitted
           mitted work by receiving grants from Johnson & Johnson, Medtronic,  work by receiving grants from Medtronic, Johnson & Johnson, B.
           Olympus, Applied Medical and Stryker; and by receiving personal  Braun, Dynamesh; and by receiving personal fees from Medtronic,
           fees from Medtronic, Olympus and Cook and reports grants for  Johnson & Johnson, Dynamesh, Cousin Biotech and Bard; and by
           meeting expenses related to the submitted work from Johnson &  receiving non-financial support from Dynamesh and reports grants for
           Johnson and Bard, during the conduct of the study.  meeting expenses related to the submitted work from Johnson &
             GC declares conflict of interest not directly related to the submitted  Johnson and Bard, during the conduct of the study.
           work by receiving personal fees from Insightra, Insightra-Acelity and
           Johnson & Johnson, and reports grants for meeting expenses related  Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the
           to the submitted work from Johnson & Johnson and Bard, during the  Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
           conduct of the study.                              License (, which per-
             DCH declares conflict of interest not directly related to the sub-  mits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any
           mitted work by receiving support from Medtronic, and report grants  medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original
           for meeting expenses related to the submitted work from Johnson &  author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons
           Johnson and Bard, during the conduct of the study.  license, and indicate if changes were made.
             JC declares conflict of interest not directly related to the submitted
           work by receiving personal fees from Johnson & Johnson and Bard,
           and reports grants for meeting expenses related to the submitted work  References
           from Johnson & Johnson and Bard, during the conduct of the study.
             DCU declares conflict of interest not directly related to the sub-
           mitted work by receiving personal fees from Gore, MSD and Bard,
           and reports grants for meeting expenses related to the submitted work  PART 1
           from Johnson & Johnson and Bard, during the conduct of the study.
             RJF declares conflict of interest not directly related to the submitted
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           submitted work from Johnson & Johnson and Bard, during the con-  assessment of 26,304 herniorrhaphies in Denmark: a prospective
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