Page 120 - International guidelines for groin hernia management
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              a Lichtenstein/TEP. Follow-up should entail 5 years  primary IHs in adults. Risk factors associated with IH
              with primary outcomes recurrence and pain.      formation are inheritance, a previous contralateral hernia,
           •  A randomized controlled trial in a specialized environ-  male gender, elderly age, impaired collagen metabolism,
              ment comparing Shouldice with Lichtenstein and TEP/  low body mass index, obesity and a history of
              TAPP.                                           prostatectomy.
           •  Propensity score matching analysis comparing Shoul-  Symptoms
              dice versus Lichtenstein versus TEP versus TAPP in  Groin hernias can be either asymptomatic or symptomatic.
              large patient population from registries with an equal  Approximately one-third of patients with IHs are asymp-
              distribution of patient characteristics, risk factors and  tomatic. Roughly 70% of asymptomatic individuals with
              hernia findings.                                 IHs will develop symptoms within 5 years, generally pain
           •  An RCT in which unilateral one sided symptomatic IH  or discomfort.
              is compared to bilateral repair (laparo-endoscopically)  Diagnostics
              stratified for medial and lateral hernias. Prospective  History, physical examination and diagnostic work-up
              analysis of the prognosis of an occult hernia should be  History and physical examination are usually all that are
              performed.                                      required to confirm the diagnosis of a clinically evident
           •  Large registry randomized controlled trials with long-  groin hernia. Approximately 95% of IHs can be diagnosed
              term follow-up ([ 5 years) comparing all surgical  by physical examination. IHs produce swelling supero-
              techniques (open non-mesh, open anterior mesh, open  medial to the pubic tubercle and femoral hernias cause
              posterior mesh and laparo-endoscopic) in primary and  infero-lateral swelling. However, in practice this subtle
              recurrent hernia, unilateral and bilateral inguinal hernia  distinction is often difficult to discern.
              repair in male and female patients. Patients should be  Imaging may be required if there is vague groin swelling
              operated by expert surgeons in the respective technique.  and diagnostic uncertainty, poor localization of swelling,
                                                              intermittent swelling not present at time of physical
                                                              examination and other groin complaints without swelling.
                                                              Physical examination and ultrasound combined are suit-
                                                              able for diagnosing patients with vague groin swelling or
           Chapter 30
                                                              possible occult groin hernias. When groin ultrasound is
                                                              negative or non-diagnostic, a dynamic MRI, dynamic CT
                                                              or even herniography can be considered. Dynamic in this
           Summary for general practitioners
                                                              context refers to Valsalva maneuver during testing in an
                                                              attempt to force a possibly occult or small hernia into its
           N. van Veenendaal and M. P. Simons
                                                              abnormal channel and more clearly demonstrate its
                                                                In female patients, the existence of a femoral hernia
                                                              should be excluded in all cases of a hernia in the groin. No
                                                              clinical or diagnostic test can reliably distinguish inguinal
           A groin hernia is defined as a protrusion of viscera or
                                                              from femoral hernias in women.
           adipose tissue through the inguinal or femoral canal. This
                                                                For the evaluation of patients suspected of having a
           protrusion results in either an inguinal or femoral hernia.
                                                              recurrent groin hernia clinical examination and ultrasound
             In day-to-day practice a classification system for groin
                                                              are the most suitable. In case of diagnostic doubt after the
           hernias is seldom used other than to describe hernia types
                                                              ultrasound, MRI or CT can be considered.
           in general terms such as: lateral/indirect, medial/direct,
           recurrent and femoral.
                                                              Management of groin hernia
             An occult hernia is an asymptomatic hernia not
                                                              Treatment indications
           detectable by physical examination.
                                                              Not all IHs require surgical treatment. There is a low risk
                                                              of complications like incarceration or strangulation in
           The lifetime incidence of a groin hernia is 27–43% in men
                                                              asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic men with IHs.
           and 3–6% in women. Inguinal hernias (IHs) occur 9–12
                                                              Therefore, in men, a watchful waiting management strat-
           times more commonly in men. Femoral hernias occur
                                                              egy is safe for minimally symptomatic or asymptomatic
           approximately 4 times more commonly in women.
                                                              IHs. However, the crossover rate to surgery in men with
                                                              minimally symptomatic or asymptomatic IHs is high due to
           Numerous risk factors—mostly a combination of genetic
                                                              the development of symptoms, mostly pain. Approximately
           and acquired features—exist for the development of
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