Page 124 - International guidelines for groin hernia management
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             The final manuscript was reviewed externally by professors J.  continued
           Jeekel (Europe), B. Ramshaw (Americas) and A. Sharma (Asia).
           Members of the HerniaSurge Group                   M. Lopez-Cano      (MLC)   Barcelona  Spain
           The HerniaSurge Group acknowledges the following Steering Com-  M. C. Misra  (MM)  New Delhi  India
           mittee (SC) and other members:
                                                              A. Montgomery      (AM)    Malmo ¨    Sweden
           Steering Committee                                 S. Morales-Conde   (SMC)   Sevilla    Spain
                                                              F. E. Muysoms      (FM)    Ghent      Belgium
                                                              H. Niebuhr         (HN)    Hamburg    Germany
           M. P. Simons  (MSI)  The Netherlands (coordinator SC)
                                                              P. Nordin          (PN)    O ¨ stersund  Sweden
           M. Smietanski  (MSM)  Poland (European Hernia Society,
                                Treasurer, SC)                M. Pawlak          (MP)    Gdansk     Poland
           H. J. Bonjer  (HJB)  The Netherlands (European Association  G. H. van Ramshorst  (GVR)  Amsterdam  The
                                for Endoscopic Surgery SC)                                            Netherlands
           R. Bittner   (RB)   Germany (International Endo Hernia  W. M. J. Reinpold  (WR)  Hamburg  Germany
                                Society, SC)                  D. L. Sanders      (DS)    Barnstaple  UK
           M. Miserez   (MMI)  Belgium (Editor Hernia, SC)    N. Schouten        (NS)    Utrecht    The
           Th.          (TA)   The Netherlands (Statistical expert, SC)                               Netherlands
            J. Aufenacker                                     S. Smedberg        (SS)    Helsingborg  Sweden
           R.           (RJF)  USA (Americas Hernia Society, Editor  R. K. J. Simmermacher  (RSI)  Utrecht  The
            J. Fitzgibbons      Hernia, SC)                                                           Netherlands
           P. K. Chowbey  (PC)  India (Asia Pacific Hernia Society, SC)  S. Tumtavitikul  (ST)  Bangkok  Thailand
           H. M. Tran   (HT)   Australia (Australasian Hernia Society,  N. van Veenendaal  (NVV)  Amsterdam  The
                                SC)                                                                   Netherlands
           R. Sani      (RSA)  Niger (Afro Middle East Hernia Society,  D. Weyhe  (DW)   Oldenburg  Germany
                                SC)                           A. R. Wijsmuller   (AW)    Rotterdam  The

                                                              External Reviewers
           F. Berrevoet       (FB)    Ghent      Belgium
           J. Bingener        (JBC)   Rochester  USA
           T. Bisgaard        (TB)    Copenhagen  Denmark     J. Jeekel            Rotterdam           Europe
           K. Bury            (KB)    Gdansk     Poland       A. Sharma            New Delhi           Asia
           G. Campanelli      (GC)    Milan      Italy        B. Ramshaw           Knoxville           Americas
           D. C. Chen         (DCH)   Los Angeles  USA
           J. Conze           (JC)    Mu ¨nchen  Germany
           D. Cuccurullo      (DCU)   Naples     Italy
                                                              Since both Editors-in-Chief and one Associate Editor are coauthor of
           A. C. de Beaux     (ADB)   Edinburgh  UK           this manuscript, an additional independent review was conducted.
           H. H. Eker         (HE)    Amsterdam  The          Disclosures
                                                   Netherlands  All HerniaSurge members are active in the scientific community. An
                                                              additional course was given to all involved members to guarantee
           R. H. Fortelny     (RFO)   Vienna     Austria
                                                              unbiased literature searches and review.
           J. F. Gillion      (JG)    Antony     France
                                                                The guidelines are the property of HerniaSurge and they were
           B. J. van den Heuvel  (BJH)  Amsterdam  The        financed through grants by Bard and Johnson & Johnson. The sponsor
                                                   Netherlands  had no direct or indirect influence on the methodology or the content
           W. W. Hope         (WWH)   Wilmington  USA         of the guidelines.
                                                                TA, FB, TB, RB, KB, PC, ADB, HE, RFO, LNJ, IK, JK, LL, DL,
           L. N. Jorgensen    (LNJ)   Copenhagen  Denmark
                                                              MLO, AM, HN, PN, MP, MM, WR, DS, RSA, NS, RSI, MSI, SS,
           U. Klinge          (UK)    Aachen     Germany      MSM, HT, ST, BJH, GVR, NVV, DW and AW report grants for
           F. Ko ¨ckerling    (FK)    Berlin     Germany      meeting expenses related to the submitted work from Johnson &
           J. F. Kukleta      (JK)    Zurich     Switzerland  Johnson and Bard, during the conduct of the study.
                                                                JBC declares conflict of interest not directly related to the sub-
           I. Konate          (IK)    Saint Louis  Senegal
                                                              mitted work by receiving grants from National Institutes of Health,
           A. L. Liem         (LL)    Utrecht    The          Stryker Endoscopy and SAGES; and by receiving non-financial
                                                   Netherlands  support from Nestle and Titan Medical and reports grants for meeting
           D. Lomanto         (DL)    Singapore  Singapore    expenses related to the submitted work from Johnson & Johnson and
                                                              Bard, during the conduct of the study.
           M. J. A. Loos      (MLO)   Veldhoven  The

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