Page 123 - International guidelines for groin hernia management
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             Groin hernia repair can be done with or without mesh.  Pain
           Mesh, if it is used, serves to reinforce and strengthen the  Pain—of some type—occurs after nearly all surgeries.
           area of the hernia.                                Your surgeon will advise the proper treatment so that you
             Also, either an ‘‘open’’ or a ‘‘laparo-endoscopic’’ or so-  are comfortable as you recover. The pain following groin
           called ‘‘key hole’’ approach can be used to repair a groin  hernia repair is usually mild and is commonly well treated
           hernia. An ‘‘open’’ approach (which may also involve  with paracetamol and other non-narcotic pain relievers.
           mesh) means that a surgical incision is made in the groin  Some patients suffer from longer lasting or more mod-
           and the repair is done through this one incision. In a ‘‘la-  erate pain. Pain not controlled with recommended medi-
           paro-endoscopic’’ approach, one or more small incisions  cations, or moderate, severe or long-lasting pain should
           are made and repair is done with the aid of tiny cameras  prompt a visit to your surgeon. Severe chronic pain
           and other small specialized surgical equipment. Many  (thankfully very rare) can be debilitating and should
           variations on these general themes are routinely used today.  prompt a visit to your surgeon who will advise other
             Mesh is proven to be safe and is well tolerated by the  treatment options.
           human body.                                        Recurrence
             Repair of your groin hernia may well be done in a day  Groin hernias can recur in a small number of patients. See
           surgery (or ‘‘same day’’) surgery center. This means that  your surgeon if you start having the groin symptoms again
           you’ll get to go home the day of your surgery once you’re  that caused you to see a doctor originally. Treatments are
           fully awake, recovered and ready.                  available.
             Depending on your particular circumstances, groin
           hernia surgery can be done painlessly with local (area of  Groin hernia operation: recovery
           the hernia only), regional (in a larger region of the body) or
           general (whole body) anesthesia. Again, your surgeon and  Expect some pain or groin discomfort after surgical repair
           the anesthesiologist will discuss these options with you.  of your hernia. Depending on the surgical technique used
                                                              and other factors (like the complications described above)
           Complications                                      almost all patients should be completely comfort-
           No operation is risk free. Immediately after operation it  able within 1–2 weeks. Use your pain relievers as recom-
           could be difficult to urinate due to some pain in the oper-  mended as you recover. Support the surgical area during
           ated region. Sometimes a catheter in the urinary bladder is  coughing, sneezing or straining in the first few days after
           needed to empty the bladder. In male patients it is not too  your operation. Do routine activities that you feel capable
           uncommon that the catheter needs to be removed first after  of doing. A period of rest or a lifting restriction is not
           some days. Like every other operations, groin hernia sur-  necessary after a groin hernia operation.
           gery complications include: bleeding, infections, blood clot  Most surgeons will use dissolvable stitches, which do
           formation, pneumonia and others. Thankfully, these are all  not need to be removed. If non-dissolvable stitches were
           rare.                                              used, they will be removed after a week.
             Specific groin hernia complications are described below.  If you have urgent questions or problems please consult
           Hematoma                                           your general practitioner, your surgeon or a hospital.
           A hematoma is a collection of blood in the body’s tissues
           and can be recognized by a bluish discoloration and  Further reading
           swelling in the area of the surgery, usually several days  The following website is endorsed by the HerniaSurge
           after surgery. The hematoma (blood) can spread to the base  Guidelines Group:
           of the penis and scrotum in men, or into the labia majora  If information in this leaflet is missing or unclear, please
           (vaginal lips) in women. It usually goes away on its own  inform the HerniaSurge Group via their website.
           after several days and should not concern you. A hematoma
           causing severe pain, marked swelling or black discol-  Acknowledgements The HerniaSurge Group gratefully acknowl-
                                                              edges the able editing assistance of M.D. Burg, MD in the preparation
           oration of the skin should prompt an urgent doctor visit.
                                                              of these chapters. Dr. Burg works as an Assistant Clinical Professor
             Seroma                                           and Attending Physician in the UCSF/Fresno Emergency Medicine
             A seroma is a collection of blood plasma (not blood  Residency Program.
           cells but the clear liquid in blood) that commonly collects  The HerniaSurge Group gratefully acknowledges N.E. Simons
                                                              (Medical Student) for managing the Mendeley reference manager.
           after groin hernia surgery. Most go away without treatment
                                                                The Guidelines development was sponsored by an educational and
           in 6–8 weeks. Very large or infected seromas (both very  research grant from Johnson & Johnson and Bard companies.
           uncommon) may require drainage. See your surgeon if you  The HerniaSurge Group is very grateful for the financial support
           are concerned and he/she will advise you.          provided by The European Hernia Society.

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