Page 20 - International guidelines for groin hernia management
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             A large-pore version of the PHS, the Ultrapro Hernia  amount of foreign material is higher than for a simple flat
           System (UHS), was launched recently. One RCT compares  mesh. And—in the case of a combined hernia—the
           Lichtenstein and the UHS. 165  Another RCT compared the  placement strategy for the device or plug is not standard-
           plug-and-patch technique with a 4D Dome device in 95  ized. The additional cost of the device needs to be taken
           patients. 166  The ‘‘dome device’’ consists of a largely  into account as does the small chance of mesh migration/
           resorbable dome-shaped plug (90% poly-L-lactic acid and  erosion with the use of plugs. Therefore, the Lichtenstein
           10% polypropylene) associated with a flat lightweight  technique with a flat mesh is considered to be superior. See
           polypropylene mesh. Because of poor methodological  also Chapter 10 on mesh in which the problems of mesh-
           quality (according to SIGN criteria), neither paper is fur-  plug erosion and migration are described.
           ther discussed here.                                 Self-gripping mesh is an acceptable form of treatment for
           Trabucco                                           primary IHs, although only medium-term data are available
           One RCT compared the Lichtenstein with the Trabucco  and no specific information on the outcome in larger (direct)
           technique in 108 patients under local anesthesia. 167  The  hernias. It has no benefits over the Lichtenstein technique
           Trabucco technique was an average of 10 min faster vs.  other than a somewhat shorter operative time. Here also, the
           Lichtenstein (p = 0.04). There were no differences in  device’s additional cost must be considered.
           postoperative pain (primary outcome) or groin discomfort  For these reasons, the recommendations to use the
           at 6 months. At an average follow-up of 8 years (only  Lichtenstein technique with a standard flat mesh vs the use
           telephone follow-up after 1 year), there were no recurrent  of self-gripping mesh or three-dimensional implants are
           hernias.                                           upgraded to strong by the HerniaSurge Group.
           Self-gripping mesh
                                                              KQ06.d Which is the preferred open mesh technique for
           The first study on the use of the self-gripping Parietene
                                                              inguinal hernias: Lichtenstein or any open pre-peritoneal
           ProgripÓ mesh (large-pore polypropylene with resorbable
           polylactic acid micro-grips) found less pain on the first
                                                              F. Berrevoet, Th. Aufenacker and S. Tumtavitikul
           postoperative day when compared with the use of another
           large-pore non-gripping polypropylene mesh. 168  Subse-
           quently, four other RCTs comparing self-fixating large-
                                                              Open pre-peritoneal mesh techniques have gained more
           pore mesh vs suture fixation in Lichtenstein have been
           published up to 2013. 169–172  These studies have been  attention in the repair of IHs during the last two decades as
                                                              a result of technical and commercial considerations. Sur-
           evaluated in five different meta-analyses, all published in
                                         173–177              geons should understand that ‘‘open pre-peritoneal tech-
           2013 and 2014 in different journals.  All confirmed
                                                              niques’’ as originally described by Nyhus, 183  include
           no difference in acute or chronic pain and recurrence rates.
             Three additional RCTs were published in 2014, 178–180  several different approaches including the trans-inguinal
                                                              pre-peritoneal repair described by Pe ´lissier (TIPP),  the
           and another two were published with long-term data from                   185
           an RCT published earlier. 181, 182  All confirmed comparable  posterior Kugel technique,  transrectus pre-peritoneal
                                                              approach (TREPP),  Onstep approach,  Ugahary tech-
           recurrence rates and acute and chronic pain incidence in  188            189                  190
                                                              nique,  Wantz technique,  and Rives’ technique,  for
           both groups. The self-fixation mesh is likely to be more
                                                              anterior pre-peritoneal repair. Note that TIPP, Onstep, and
           expensive than standard fixation, but the operative time
                                                              Rives’ techniques approach the pre-peritoneal space
           was shorter in the ProgripÓ group (by a range of
                                                              through an anterior dissection opening the inguinal canal.
           1–12 min).
                                                              Kugel, TREPP, Ugahary and Wantz use a posterior
             Since only data on medium-term follow-up are available
                                                              approach to open repair without entering the inguinal canal
           (range 6–24 months), we advise the authors of the previ-
           ously mentioned trial data to follow-up their patients at
                                                                Onstep is comparable with the PHS/UHS system,
           3–5 years and publish their updated results on chronic pain
                                                              although there is only one mesh layer reinforcing the
           and recurrence rates.
                                                              medial side pre-peritoneally, and the lateral side as in the
                                                              Lichtenstein technique.
           Discussion, consensus and grading clarification
                                                                There are no data comparing the open pre-peritoneal
           Plug-and-patch and PHS are acceptable treatments for
                                                              techniques with each other, so no recommendation can be
           primary IHs, but have no benefit vs. the Lichtenstein
                                                              made about the preferred open pre-peritoneal technique.
           technique, except a somewhat shorter operative time for
                                                              However, we are able to make the following statements
           the plug-and-patch technique. However, both the anterior
                                                              based on limited data about pre-peritoneal techniques. The
           and posterior compartment are entered and scarred, making
                                                              use of these techniques is suggested to be performed in
           a subsequent repair for recurrence more difficult. Also, the
                                                              research conditions.
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