Page 71 - International guidelines for groin hernia management
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           Discussion                                         patterns may differ depending on structures and organs
           Mortality risk calculations and cause-of-death analyses  involved and the type of repair performed. While certain
           require large data sets. Prospective registration of opera-  predisposing neuroanatomic and technical factors can be
           tions facilitates these calculations and reduces selection  avoided, chronic postoperative inguinal pain (CPIP)
           bias, thereby making the results more representative of the  remains a complex challenge with several psychological,
           overall hernia surgery population. National registers are  social, genetic, and behavioral influences.
           useful when calculating mortality risks, since the results
           can be verified and compared with national Cause-of-Death  Key question
             Emergent hernia surgery is associated with considerably  KQ19P.a How is chronic pain defined? What is its
           increased mortality. Symptom duration before diagnosis  prevalence after IH repair?

           and treatment delays are factors that contribute to this  Key question
           increased mortality.
             In elective hernia repair, medical comorbidities are the  KQ19P.b What are the risk factors for CPIP?
           primary contributor to cause of death and must be con-
           sidered when planning operations, especially in the elderly.

                                                              Evidence in literature
           Chapter 19                                         Definition of chronic pain

                                                              In 1986, the International Association for the Study of Pain
           Pain: prevention and treatment                     defined chronic pain as pain lasting more than 3 months. 144
                                                              This definition was considered valid in epidemiological
           A. Wijsmuller, D. Chen, L. Liem, M. Loos, W. Reinpold,  studies 145  and was used in randomized studies on hernia
           and S. Smedberg                                    surgery, even if pain related to surgery was not part of the
                                                              objectives when the definition was formulated.
           Pain prevention                                      However, with mesh hernia repairs, the inflammatory
           Definition of chronic postoperative inguinal pain (CPIP)  healing process may last longer than this defined 3-month
           Chronic pain is a frequent long-term complication fol-  interval due to tissue reaction to the mesh. Therefore, some
           lowing nearly all surgical procedures. However, there are  systematic review authors have used pain lasting 6 months
           no consensus definitions of exactly what constitutes  or more as a criterion for inclusion in their reviews. 146
           chronic pain after specific operations. With IH repair, pain

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