Page 68 - International guidelines for groin hernia management
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           significantly more seromas following TEP versus TAPP  KQ18.y Is mesh migration—with the attendant risk of pain
           repair. 109, 110                                   and severe complications—related to: mesh type, mesh
             Two studies found that seroma and hematoma formation  shape, repair method, wound infection, or hernia type?
           incidence is lessened after TAPP and TEP repair of large

           direct defects by inverting the lax fascia transversalis and  Evidence in literature
           closing the defect. 111,  112  A recent meta-analysis of  One meta-analysis comparing endoscopic to Lichtenstein
           laparoscopic IH repair comparing mesh fixation with tissue  and other open mesh techniques reported 13 incidents in
           glue versus tack fixation reported no difference in seroma  3640 operations (0.4%) of potentially serious operative
           formation. 113  Another meta-analysis found a lower seroma  complications (defined as bowel, bladder, and vascular
           incidence after glue mesh fixation compared with suture  injuries). 83
           mesh fixation in open IH repair. 47                   Another meta-analysis comparing endoscopic to Shoul-
             Two studies found that drain insertion may prevent  dice and other non-mesh techniques reported 4 incidents in
           seroma formation especially in complicated and large  5900 operations (0.1%) of potentially serious operative
           scrotal hernias. 114, 115  Two other studies demonstrated that  complications. 84
           drain insertion after TEP repair may also reduce the inci-  A systematic review and meta-analysis of TEP versus
           dence of seroma formation. 116, 117                Lichtenstein reported no inter-group differences in severe
             Most seroma resolves spontaneously over 6–8 weeks.  adverse events from the patient’s perspective, although
           Since infections following seroma aspiration are regularly  1068 events—including chronic pain and recurrences—
           described, it is our groups’ firm opinion that only symp-  occurred in 5397 patients. We calculated that, if chronic
           tomatic seromas be treated.                        pain and recurrences had been excluded, 78 (1.4%) severe
             Studies of drain usage to prevent seroma formation  events occurred. 76
           provide conflicting results. One study of 100 patients found  In one study, infrequent serious intraoperative compli-
           no benefit following open repair. However, another study  cations were reported to occur more frequently in endo-
           involving 301 patients found fewer seromas after a 24-h  scopic versus IH surgeries, although there was no overall
           drainage period. 105, 114                          morbidity difference. 83
             Since clinically significant seroma formation following  A Cochrane review of laparoscopic versus open tech-
           IH repair is uncommon, our group recommends against  niques found that operative complications were uncom-
           routine drain insertion after primary uncomplicated repair.  mon, but more frequent, in the laparoscopic group. 82
             There is no evidence that binders and other compression  Another Cochrane review found an increased incidence of
           devices prevent hematoma and seroma formation.     operative complications with the TAPP over the TEP
           Infrequent complications                           approach. 118  The study reported that serious events were
                                                              bowel perforation, urinary bladder damage, and vascular
           Key questions                                      injuries. 82–84, 118
                                                                First trocar introduction during hernia operations has the
           KQ18.w How common are serious complications during  potential to cause bowel and vascular injury. A variety of
           hernia surgery?                                    techniques including: use of blunt-tipped trocars, optical
           KQ18.x Are serious complications more common during  access trocars, and needlescopic 3–5-mm instruments have
           endoscopic hernia surgery in patients with a history of  been studied, and are shown to reduce complications and
           previous abdominal surgery?                        improve safety. 119–121

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