Page 63 - International guidelines for groin hernia management
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           Evidence in literature                             temporary placement of an indwelling urinary catheter.
           The incidence of urinary retention following IH repair  Prophylactic use of alpha-1 receptors’ antagonists such as
           varies widely in published series ranging from less than 1%  prazosin, phenoxybenzamine hydrochloride, or tamsulosin
           to greater than 20%. 36, 37  The most common predisposing  has been shown in some studies to be an effective strategy
           factor for postoperative urinary retention (POUR) after an  to prevent postoperative urinary retention. 49–51  Overall
           IH repair is the use of general or regional anesthesia. 38–42  urinary function as measured by the American Urological
           Most authorities feel that regional anesthesia (spinal or  Association Symptom Score is improved by hernia repair
           epidural) is worse than general. However, in a study  providing that a Foley catheter was not used at the time of
           pooling data from 70 non-randomized and two randomized  the index operation. 52
           studies, the incidence of urinary retention with local  Sexual dysfunction, testicular hormone function, and
           anesthesia was 0.37% (33 in 8991 patients), with regional  ischemic orchitis
           anesthesia 2.42% (150 in 6191 patients), and with general  Inguinal hernia surgery can cause damage to different
           anesthesia 3% (344 in 11,471 patients). The need for  nerves, disturbances of testicular circulation, and damage
           general anesthesia for most laparoscopic IH repairs (LIH)  to the vas deferens which can lead to various long-lasting
           almost certainly accounts for the higher incidence of  harms to the patient. Nerve damage can cause chronic pain
           POUR after LIH repair which has been reported to be as  that could interfere with sexual activity. Disturbances of
           high as 22%. 37  Other factors which have been inconsis-  testicular circulation can result in initially severe pain
           tently incriminated for POUR (i.e., some studies reporting  followed by atrophy of the testicle and thereby impaired
           statistically significant differences after LIH, while others  hormone production. Division of the vas deferens will
           do not) include: over-hydration with intravenous fluid  cause obstruction for the passage of sperm. In case of
           during surgery, 37  bilateral hernia repairs, 43  increased  bilateral injuries of different types, both hormone changes
           BMI, 43  use of opioid analgesics, 44  older age, 44, 45  prostatic  and infertility could result in a disaster for the patient.
                    45                        43, 45
           symptoms,  and prolonged operative time.  In a meta-  Sexual problems after hernia operations are probably
           analysis performed by Tam et al., the incidence of POUR  under-reported, patients often being unwilling to discuss
           was found to be higher in patients with tack fixation pre-  their sexual concerns. The heading ‘‘sexual dysfunction’’
           sumably because of increased pain (3.1 vs [ 1.0%), but  includes several interacting factors, making the topic’s
           this difference did not reach statistical significance. 46  Other  bounds difficult to delineate. For that reason, it is also
           meta-analyses have not demonstrated a difference in uri-  difficult to measure the incidence of sexual dysfunction.
           nary retention when comparing tack fixation with glue. 47
           Meta-analyses of RCTs comparing various hernia tech-  Key questions
           niques have not shown a difference in urinary retention
           rates among the various laparoscopic and open tech-  KQ18.g What defines ‘‘sexual dysfunction’’ after IH
           niques. 48,  49  Many surgeons routinely place urinary  surgery?
           catheters for inguinal herniorrhaphy especially when done  KQ18.h What is the incidence of sexual dysfunction after
           laparoscopically. 43, 45  This seems to be more a surgical  IH surgery?
           tradition, not an evidence-based practice. A year study  KQ18.i Are ischemic orchiditis causes known; and can this
           looked at patients in two time periods, an earlier one when  complication be prevented?
           urinary catheters were used routinely, and a later one when  KQ18.j Does hernia repair with heavyweight mesh cause
           they were not. A marked improvement in urinary compli-  more testicular pain than hernia repair with lightweight
           cations (cystitis, urinary retention and hematuria) occurred  mesh?
           when the practice of routine urinary catheterization was  KQ18.k Are methods of repair or bilateral operation
           abandoned. 50  One of the largest laparoscopic TAPP series  related to risks of impaired spermatogenesis and hormone
           also showed that the procedure can be safely conducted  production?
           without the use of a urinary catheter. 51  Urinary retention  KQ18.l Can sexual dysfunction following hernia repair be
           can be treated by either intermittent catheterization or  treated surgically?

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