Page 59 - International guidelines for groin hernia management
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             Two small cohort studies focused on hernia repair in  watchful waiting strategy in women with groin hernias.
           women also suggest that an open anterior repair is asso-  Timely hernia repair is recommended.
           ciated with a relatively high postoperative complication
           rate and a higher incidence of postoperative pain compared  Discussion
           with women undergoing TEP hernia repair. 18, 19    There are no systematic reviews or RCTs specifically
             The high frequency of femoral hernias in women and the  addressing groin hernias in women, but several subgroup
           high risk of femoral recurrence mentioned above highlight  analyses from large epidemiological studies of national
           the need for preperitoneal exploration and repair in all  databases provide information about groin hernias and
           women with groin hernias. A laparoscopic preperitoneal  groin hernia repairs in women. It is abundantly clear that
           repair offers a thorough view of the entire myopectineal  femoral hernias are more common in women. This argues
           orifice and creates easy access to, and coverage of, both  for the use of a preperitoneal laparoscopic approach in
           inguinal and femoral defects. This also obviates the need  women with groin hernias. In addition, since strangulation
           for a correct preoperative diagnosis. 7, 15, 16  Anatomically  risk is unacceptably high, timely elective repair of groin
           and with regard to mesh application, there is a little dif-  hernias in women is strongly advised.
           ference between the laparoscopic and open preperitoneal
           approach, but laparoscopic repair techniques have a long  Key question
           learning curve (see chapter 22 on learning curve). 20  In
           experienced hands though, laparoscopic hernia repair  KQ16.d How is a groin lump in a pregnant female diag-
           seems to be associated with a slightly lower reoperation  nosed and treated?
           risk than open preperitoneal repair. 9, 10, 21

             Femoral hernias carry a higher risk of strangulation  Evidence in literature
           when compared with IHs. In the Swedish and Danish  IH formation during pregnancy is rare with a prevalence
           hernia registries, 36–39% of femoral hernias were emer-  estimated as 1; 2000. 23  A watchful waiting strategy is
           gently repaired versus 5% of IHs. 10, 22           recommended for those who develop IHs during
             About 17% of women with groin hernias require    pregnancy. 24
           emergent repair versus about 5% of men. 9, 22  Furthermore,  Although mainly described in small case series and case
           patients with femoral hernias have a greater risk of  reports, the onset of a groin lump in pregnancy is often a
           undergoing bowel resection (23% of patients undergoing  round ligament varicosity rather than a hernia. 25  A round
           emergent femoral hernia repair compared with approxi-  ligament varicocele arises from the veins draining the
           mately 5% of patients undergoing emergent IH repair).  round ligament and the inguinal canal. It is a rare entity
           Bowel resection occurred in 17% of women undergoing  associated with pregnancy, presents with a groin lump
           emergent groin hernia repair. There are no specific data  typically early in the third trimester, progressively enlarges
           about bowel resection after femoral hernia repair.  during pregnancy, and regresses soon after delivery. 25  The
             A woman’s risk of death in the 30 days after elective  diagnosis can be easily confirmed by color Doppler
           femoral hernia repair is comparable to the risk of dying in  sonography. If, in fact, a groin lump consisting of varicose
           an age- and gender-matched population (\ 0.1%). How-  veins occurs, symptoms will spontaneously abate after
           ever, 3.8% of women die within the 30 days following  delivery and expectant management can be used. Varico-
                                     9, 22
           emergent femoral hernia repair.                    cele resection might be necessary only in cases with severe
             The higher incidence of femoral hernias in women and  pain.
           the associated strangulation risk argues strongly against a

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