Page 54 - International guidelines for groin hernia management
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           Introduction                                       performing IH repair under local anesthesia. 648  Beginners,
           Local anesthesia has several advantages to regional and  defined as those who have repaired less than six hernias
           general anesthesia. However, data from hernia registries  under local anesthesia, had a significantly higher recur-
           suggest that the hernia reoperation rate may be higher after  rence rate. The study authors concluded that beginners
           local anesthesia when compared with general or regional  should be closely supervised during their first six
           anesthesia. 50  Reoperation rates after hernia repair by pri-  operations.
           vate surgeons using local anesthesia are lower than those  These few studies suggest that in the case of IH repairs
           seen following primary IH repair in general hospitals. A  done under local anesthesia, experience in local anesthesia
           higher level of expertise in local anesthesia administration  administration influences recurrence/reoperation rates.
           seems to be associated with a lower reoperation risk. Does  Trainees can safely perform these operations, but super-
           this also apply to physicians in the midst of learning curves  vision by a surgeon with the requisite experience is nec-
           like surgical residents/registrars?                essary to achieve optimal outcomes.

           Evidence in literature                             Chapter 14
           Five observational studies have examined complication
           rates after open IH repair under local anesthesia by
           trainees. 644–648  We excluded one of these articles from  Early postoperative pain prevention
           analysis because it only investigated results in patients  and management
           operated on by fully trained surgeons who wanted to learn
           local anesthetic administration. 647  An Italian language  P. Nordin and A. R. Wijsmuller
           article.  was also excluded from analysis, leaving three
           English-language publications for review. 645, 646, 648  Two  Introduction
           studies reported no complication rate differences including  Several approaches to postoperative pain management
           no difference in recurrence rate after 10 years of follow-up  have been studied including various medical treatments
           after trainee-performed operations versus consultant-per-  and interventions like the use of local anesthetics. This
           formed operations despite use of higher local anesthetic  chapter reviews the literature on preoperative, periopera-
           volumes by trainees. 645, 646  One study investigated the  tive, and postoperative interventions designed to treat pain
           influence of experience on recurrence rates in 24 surgeons  after open groin hernia repair.

                                                              Key questions

                                                              KQ14.a Do preoperative or perioperative local anesthetic
                                                              methods affect patients’ pain experiences after open groin
                                                              hernia repair?
                                                              KQ14.b Which is the most effective oral analgesic pain
                                                              management regimen after groin hernia repair?

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