Page 57 - International guidelines for groin hernia management
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           Key question                                       sports. 210, 246, 254, 292, 697, 703  (low-to-moderate level of
           KQ15.a What is the recommended duration of convales-  The available medical evidence supports the idea that
           cence following uncomplicated inguinal hernia repair?  work and leisure activities can be resumed by most patients

           Evidence in literature                             within 3–5 days following elective laparoscopic or open IH
           The literature search identified 327 studies of which we  repair without risk of hernia recurrence or other compli-
           included one systematic review, 14 RCTs, three cohort  cations. The recommendations have been upgraded by
           studies and four case–control studies.             HerniaSurge.

           Discussion                                         PART 2
           Surgeons’ recommendations for physical activity restric-  Specific aspects of Groin Hernia Management
           tions and/or sick leave duration are highly variable, rarely  16.  Groin hernias in women
           evidence-based, and greatly affect the duration of absence  17.  Femoral hernias
           from normal activity. 146, 694–696  No study has demonstrated  18.  Complications: prevention and treatment
           that early return to normal activities and work after IH  19.  Pain: prevention and treatment
           repair increases hernia recurrence risk or complications.  20.  Recurrent inguinal hernias
             In a nationwide multicentre prospective questionnaire  21.  Emergency treatment of groin hernia
           study with controls from the Danish Hernia Database of
           2365 patients with convalescence duration as the primary
           outcome found that a short duration of convalescence (even
                                                              Chapter 16
           as short as 1 day) following open IH repair may be rec-
           ommended without increasing hernia recurrence risk. 146
             Pain and wound-related problems are the most often cited
                                                              Groin hernias in women
           reasons for not resuming work or leisure activities as recom-
           mended (evidence level—high).  A 2012 study of 162
                                                              N. Schouten, H. Eker, K. Bury, and F. Muysoms
           laparoscopic IH repair patients found that convalescence
           duration was a median of 5 days (range 1–40) from work and
           3 days (range 1–49) from leisure activities when the recom-
           mendationwasfor1 day. 695 Patientexpectationpreoperatively  Groin hernia repairs are 8–10 times more common in men
                                                                                  1, 2
           fortimeoffworkwastheonlyindependentfactorthatpredicted  compared with women.  Inguinal hernias (IHs) occur
           prolonged convalescence. Postoperatively, self-arranged  9–12 times more commonly in men, whereas femoral
           planned sick leave, and complaints of pain and fatigue were the  hernias occur approximately 4 times more commonly in
           primary reasons for not resuming normal activities within the  women. 3  These differences may be explained by the
           first 3 days after operation (evidence level—low).  greater distance between the pubic tubercle and the internal
             In studies where duration of convalescence was sec-  ring and the wider rectus abdominis muscle in females. 4
           ondary outcome using non-restricted recommendations  No systematic reviews or randomized controlled trials
           (B 2 days) reported 1 week absence from domestic activ-  (RCTs) specifically address groin hernia repair in women.
           ities, 210, 223, 245, 246, 260, 697–699  1–2 weeks absence from  Data are collected mainly from subgroup analyses of epi-
           work, 210, 223, 246, 250, 254, 257, 260, 281, 292, 697, 699–704  and  demiological studies from national databases. Reoperation
           1–3 weeks   after  physical   activities  including  rates after anterior hernia repairs in women are higher

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