Page 61 - International guidelines for groin hernia management
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           this estimate is skewed by the high percentage of surgically  recommendation. Watchful waiting is discouraged, since
           treated femoral hernias compared to IHs. Medical literature  the risks of serious and potentially lethal complications
           focused on femoral hernias is scant and studies lack suf-  such as strangulation and bowel resection are unacceptably
           ficient power to draw firm conclusions. However, large  high. 27–30  Several clinically significant differences were
           systematic reviews on IHs provide data that can inform  found in outcomes following elective and emergent
           decision-making about femoral hernia management. 26, 27  femoral hernia repair. When compared to elective repair,
             Some topics in this chapter (e.g., suture and mesh  emergent femoral hernia repair is associated with a greater
           choice, prevention, and treatment of complications) were  risk of small bowel resection and a longer length of hos-
           assumed to be comparable to IH repair and were not  pital stay. 22, 31, 32
           evaluated separately.                                In contrast to IH repair, primary suture repair of femoral
                                                              hernia is still an accepted technique in elective and emer-
           Key questions                                      gency settings. A cohort study from a specialized hernia
                                                              center concluded that there were no significant differences
           KQ17.a Does tissue repair in femoral hernia have a higher  regarding recurrence rate between tissue-based and mesh
           recurrence rate than mesh repair?                  repair of femoral hernias. 29  However, studies from the
           KQ17.b Following femoral hernia repair are there differ-  Danish Hernia Database and the Swedish Hernia Registry
           ences in recurrence rates or the incidence of chronic pain  all concluded that recurrence and reoperation rates after
           between open anterior mesh repair and open posterior mesh  mesh repair were significantly lower. 10, 33
           repair?                                              Which mesh or plug should be used in open femoral
           KQ17.c Following open and endoscopic femoral hernia  hernia repair was investigated in two RCTs and a large
           repairs are there differences in recurrence rates and or  national database study.  Significantly better results
           postoperative pain?                                concerning recurrence, postoperative pain, and foreign-
           KQ17.d Should asymptomatic femoral hernias always be  body sensation were found in the RCT for preperitoneal
           treated surgically?                                mesh repair compared to plug repair. 35  No differences in

             Two systematic reviews (SRs) were identified that  hernia recurrence were found in a retrospective study. The
           focused on IH repair but included data and recommenda-  large database study showed no differences in postopera-
           tions on femoral hernias. 26, 27  KQ 17.d, concerning whe-  tive pain between different mesh types and anatomical
           ther an asymptomatic femoral hernia should be electively  locations for the mesh devices.
           repaired,  received   the    strongest  consensus

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