Page 64 - International guidelines for groin hernia management
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           Evidence in literature and discussion              normal appearance. 57  In a meta-analysis of randomized
           There is no generally accepted definition of sexual dys-  studies of lightweight mesh vs heavyweight mesh, the
           function after hernia operations. Publications can roughly  incidence of testicular atrophy was reported as 0.8% irre-
           be divided into those reporting on pain having a negative  spective of repair method. 60
           effect on sexual function such as neuropathic pain in the  Testicular function is related to testicular perfusion.
           groin, pubalgia, and orchialgia (discussed in Chapter 19 on  Animal studies have shown considerable structural changes
           pain, briefly mentioned in this text), those focusing on  in the cord and testicle after hernia repair, more pro-
           negative effects of hernia operations on fertility and tes-  nounced after the use of mesh. 59, 61, 62  In clinical studies,
           ticular gonadal function and those evaluating complica-  mesh repairs have negative effects on testicular perfusion
           tions having an influence on both symptoms and function,  and testicular volume, and reduce testosterone levels and
           i.e., dysejaculation and ischemic orchitis.        sperm motility during the early postoperative period. 59, 63
             Groin or genital pain interfering with sexual activity was  However, long-term follow-up has not shown statistically
           assessed in two follow-up questionnaire studies from the  significant differences in testicular perfusion or spermato-
           Danish Hernia Database. In the first, consisting mainly of  genesis compared to preoperative values. 64, 65  Further
           open repairs, 28% admitted to some pain, while the second  studies are in progress. 66
           study of exclusively laparoscopic repairs reported 11%  Apart from above-mentioned complications, infertility
           some pain 53, 54  with 2.8% of the mainly open and 2.4% of  may be caused by operative injury to the vas deferens by
           the laparoscopic group reporting that pain moderately to  division, ligation, clipping, stapling, electrocauterization,
           severely impaired their sexual activity. The incidence of  and scarification. Damage to the vas is estimated to occur
                       55                                                                               67
           dysejaculation  felt to be caused by spermatic duct trauma  in 0.3% of adults and 0.8–2.0% of children.  The
           and/or a mesh-related inflammatory reaction along the duct  inflammatory response to mesh can be so severe that vas
           typically causing pain at the superficial inguinal ring) was  obstruction results. 68  One of the major arguments for the
           7.6 and 3.1%, respectively. 56                     routine use of mesh in IH surgery, however, is to preserve
             Ischemic orchitis is caused by damage to the arterial  fertility. The theory is that by decreasing the generally
           and/or venous structures in the spermatic cord. An early  accepted recurrence rate in the general population from 10
           clinical review suggested that the condition was related to  to 15% seen with Bassini and its variants to less than 5%
           venous thrombosis caused by the operative trauma. 57  In a  with the mesh tension-free approach, reoperative surgery,
           subsequent study, when distal indirect sacs were left in situ  with its heavy toll of testicular loss, is avoided. 69  The
           and recurrent hernias were operated upon with preperi-  development of sperm antibodies as a result of extravasa-
           toneal technique, the risk of ischemic orchitis was reduced  tion of sperm from an injured duct is of particular concern,
           from 0.65 to 0.03% and from 2.25 to 0.97%, respectively.  because the argument is challenged that the patient is
           In most cases, the acute condition subsides postoperatively,  protected by the opposite testicle when a unilateral inguinal
                                         59                                      70, 71
           but may result in testicular atrophy.  In atrophic testicles  herniorrhaphy is done.
           after ischemic orchitis, seminiferous tubes are usually  There was no increased risk of male infertility after
           absent. Leydig cells producing testosterone and supporting  bilateral hernia surgery with or without mesh when com-
           Sertoli cells are, however, usually still present and have a  pared to the general population in a prospective

   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69