Page 69 - International guidelines for groin hernia management
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             One study has shown that patients with a history of  adhesions resulting in bowel obstruction. 132  Adhesions and
           lower abdominal surgery are at increased risk for visceral  obstruction caused by tacks have been reported. 133
           injury during laparoscopic hernia operation. 122     In a register study of postoperative complications and
             Vascular injuries at dissection and mesh fixation or  recurrence risks spanning 150,514 operations, those with
           suturing in the preperitoneal space typically involve the  complications such as hematoma and severe pain docu-
           epigastric vessels or the aberrant obturator vessels crossing  mented in the medical record at 30-day follow-up had a
           the Cooper ligament, the so-called corona mortis. 123  significantly increased relative risk (RR 1.23 and RR 1.84,
             Subcutaneous carbon dioxide emphysema can occur  respectively) of reoperation for recurrent hernia.
           during TEP repair. This rare but serious condition affects
                                                124, 125
           the respiratory and/or cardiovascular system.      Discussion
             Infrequent serious late complications related to mesh,
           mesh fixation, port-site hernia formation, and intra-ab-  Serious complications related to hernia operations are rare.
           dominal adhesions have all been reported. 12, 118, 126, 127  When they do occur, their details and descriptions are often
             Port-site hernias occur mostly after TAPP operations  published as secondary outcomes. Reviews of complica-
           with a frequency of 0–3.7% according to a Cochrane  tions are often based on collections of individual cases in
           review 118  and up to 8% after TAPP operations of recur-  RCTs, retrospective follow-up cohorts, and case reports.
           rences after previous preperitoneal—mainly TAPP—re-  Prospective registration of specific complications in a
           pairs of primary hernias. 126  Closure of port sites C 1cm is  national registry is difficult, hampered by practical limita-
           recommended.                                       tions on reporting of details and by compliance issues when
             The risk of intestinal obstruction after hernia surgery  reported. Secondary outcomes are frequently ill defined
           was calculated in a study based on data from the Swedish  making comparisons difficult and potentially unreliable.
           Hernia Register. Ninety patients—representing 0.3% of  These confounders should be considered when interpreting
           33,275 operations on primary hernias—had intestinal  reviews on severe and/or rare complications.
           obstruction considered to be related to the hernia operation.
           TAPP was the only operative technique associated with an  Mortality
           increased relative risk of obstruction. 127
             Mesh complications (see chapter 10 on meshes)—ex-  The mortality rate associated with elective hernia surgery is
           cluding pain and problems related to the mesh itself or its  no higher than the mortality rate in the general population
           fixation—are rare and can take years to develop. These  when compared to Cause-of-Death registers calculating
           generally are not mentioned in RCTs and only occasionally  expected deaths considering age and gender of the popu-
           in meta-analyses. Clinical observations of these compli-  lation, and often somewhat lower given patient selection
           cations are most often published as case reports. Late  criteria for operation, 135  with high-risk patients being
           mesh-related complications are associated most often with  excluded from elective hernia repairs. This is not the case
           polypropylene  meshes.  Sometimes  deep  infections,  for emergent hernia repair. It is important to know the risk
           including abscesses, develop around mesh. Erosion into  factors for incarceration and strangulation and patient
           hollow organs including the bowel or bladder and ingrowth  characteristics such as medical history, age, and physical
           and obstruction of the spermatic duct has been reported. 128  condition that place patients at increased risk of death.
           Mesh migration into the abdominal cavity, the bowel or
           bladder or into the scrotum and mainly associated with  Key question
           mesh plugs in open techniques and preperitoneal meshes
           placed laparoscopically.    Mesh exposed to the    KQ18.z What is the 30-day mortality rate following groin
           abdominal cavity through peritoneal defects (e.g., after  hernia repair? What are the causes of this mortality?
           hernia sac resections and peritoneal tears) may cause bowel

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