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           questionnaire study within the Swedish Hernia Register. 72  Evidence in literature
           In a retrospective register study of bilateral hernia opera-  Nine reviews and meta-analyses have compared open with
           tions, a significantly higher incidence of infertility was  endoscopic IH procedures, however, not all report on
           found in a subgroup receiving mesh on both sides com-  hematoma formation. 76–84
           pared to sutured repairs. 73  However, the risk was very low,  Several of the studies that did investigate the incidence
           and both studies concluded that there is no increased  of hematoma formation report it to be lower in hematoma
           infertility risk after hernia repairs using mesh. 73  incidence after endoscopic versus open hernia repair but do
             A recent publication on surgical treatment of chronic  not cite exact differences. 76, 77
           inguinodynia with tailored neurectomy, funicular release,  A 2003 meta-analysis, which included the mean inci-
           and/or mesh removal confirmed beneficial effects on  dence of hematoma formation from 33 trials, reported a
           dysejaculation with a significant reduction of VAS scores  significantly lower incidence after endoscopic versus open
           in 20 patients from 55 to 21 (p \ 0.001). Sexual life nor-  techniques. 82  This difference was attributed mainly to the
           malized in two-thirds of the patients.  74  Vasovagal anasto-  TEP procedure which is associated with significantly less
           mosis to correct infertility after hernia surgery is most often  hematoma formation than are open repairs. No significant
           reported after hernia operations performed when the patient  difference in hematoma formation incidence was found
           was a child. 75  In adult patients with previous polypropy-  when TAPP and open repairs were compared. When
           lene, mesh repairs and infertility caused by vasal obstruc-  Shouldice versus endoscopic and Lichtenstein versus
           tion, reconstruction, and eventual fertility restoration are  endoscopic repairs were compared, a significantly lower
           possible in only a minority of patients.           incidence of hematoma formation was seen after endo-
           Hematoma and perioperative vascular incidents      scopic repairs. 80–83
           The EHS guidelines on IH treatment in adults report that a  Another meta-analysis which included 3410 patients,
           significantly lower incidence of hematoma formation  compared Shouldice repair to open mesh repairs and to
           occurs following endoscopic versus open repairs. 12  The  other open non-mesh repairs and reported no significant
           occurrence of a hematoma is more clinically obvious at  difference in the incidence of hematoma formation
           inspection when performing an open than a laparoen-  between Shouldice repairs versus either open mesh repair
           doscoic repair. The definition of a hematoma that would be  or non-mesh repair. 85
           clinically relevant in both open and laparoendoscopic sur-  A different meta-analysis compared open preperitoneal
           gery is lacking, which makes results difficult to compare. A  mesh repair with Lichtenstein repair and found no differ-
           ‘‘moderate’’ preperitoneal bleeding in laparoendoscopic  ence in hematoma incidence. 86
           repairs might be of the same magnitude as a wound    Three other meta-analyses reported no difference in
           hematoma that would be easily diagnosed in open repair.  hematoma incidence amongst different types of open mesh
             No trials include hematoma as a primary outcome. If  repairs. 87–89
           studies are planned that include hematoma formation, it is  One RCT and three cohort studies have examined the
           HerniaSurge opinion that only symptomatic hematomas  influence of the endoscopic IH repair learning curve on
           should be considered a postoperative complication.  postoperative  complications  including  hematoma
                                                                       20, 90–92
           Key questions                                        The RCT compared endoscopically operated patients
                                                              with open-repair patients and investigated the effect of
           KQ18.m Is hematoma formation related to hernia repair  surgical residents’ postgraduate level. Besides a difference
           method or mesh use?                                in the incidence of hernia recurrence, no difference was
           KQ18.n Are intraoperative bleeding and postoperative  found in overall complication rate. 90
           hematoma formation related to a surgeon’s level of   A retrospective cohort study investigated the learning
           experience?                                        curve influence on morbidity in laparoscopic IH repair
                                                              (TAPP). No inter-group morbidity differences were noted

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