Page 177 - Washington Nonprofit Handbook 2018 Edition
P. 177

CHAPTER 49.  Fundraising Involving Gambling

                       a.     Introduction

                       All gambling in Washington State, with the exception of the state lottery and
               horseracing,  is  subject  to  regulation  by  the  Washington  State  Gambling
               Commission  (and  in  certain  circumstances,  controlled  by  tribal  governments).
               Qualified nonprofit organizations may hold gambling activities to raise funds.  While
               some  gambling  activities  are  allowed  without  a  gambling  license,  other  activities
               require licensure from the Gambling Commission.

                       Gambling  is defined  as  an  activity that  has  three  elements:   consideration,
               chance and prize.  These terms are further defined as:

                       •      Consideration:  Payment

                       •      Chance:  Outcome not determined by skill

                       •      Prize:  Money or anything of value

                       All three elements must be met for the activity to constitute gambling.

                       b.     Unlicensed Gambling Activities

                       The forms of gambling that can occur without a license are described, along
               with  limitations  or  restrictions,  in  the  Gambling  Commission’s  pamphlet,
               “Unlicensed  Gambling  Activities  for  Charitable/Nonprofit  Organizations.”    This
               pamphlet  is  available  on  the  Gambling  Commission’s  website,  https://
         Permitted  activities  include  bingo;  raffles  and  amusement
               games; raffles for members only; turkey shoots; golfing sweepstakes; card and dice
               games and limited social card games.  In most cases, the total receipts from such

               activities  cannot  exceed  $5,000  per  year,  and  participation  is  often  restricted  to
               members of the organization or members and their guests.

                       Only certain authorized charitable and nonprofit organizations are permitted
               to host or organize these forms of unlicensed gambling activities.  An authorized
               organization is one that has been in operation for at least 12 months prior to the
               gambling event or activity, and it must be able to show that it has made “significant
               progress toward achieving [its] stated purposes” during the preceding 12 months.

               WASHINGTON NONPROFIT HANDBOOK                -166-                                       2018
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