Page 18 - Preventing Falls: How to Develop Community-based Fall Prevention Programs for Older Adults
P. 18

Appendix E — Template for Developing a Sustainability Plan


          Develop your “pitch” for partnership.              to make potential partners recognize they
          After strategically selecting potential            should be involved.
          partners, develop your “pitch,” or selling             • Describe how your programs and services
          points, for partnership. These will vary based        can make a difference.
          on the resources, needs, and priorities of
          each organization. Showcase the benefits               • Share information about the burden of
          for your potential partners.                          falls and fall injuries.
          Create your messages and materials.                    • Underscore how your community will
          Develop message points—short, concise                 benefit from your efforts and how others
          statements that reflect your main messages.           are getting involved.
          These are useful for internal and external         Maintaining partnerships
          communications as well as for presentations
          to partners.                                       Relationships need to be maintained.
                                                             While commitment is important, so is
          For these messages:
                                                             continuing to review your resources, needs,
              • Develop themes or adapt materials that       and expectations as the program evolves.
             will engage your potential partners.            Involving local organizations will be an

              • Produce materials (presentations,            ongoing effort, so remember to engage
             flyers, etc.) that will effectively convey      as many facets of your community as you
             your messages.                                  can, including:
              • Pretest your materials among potential           • Hospitals and health care organizations
             partners.                                           • Local and state government officials
              • Develop a method for tracking                   and offices
             partnerships and other outreach efforts.            • Faith-based organizations
          Make contact. Whenever possible, deliver               • Civic organizations
          your partnership proposal in person.                   • Senior citizen groups
          Consider bringing at least one other person,
          because different communication styles and             • Commercial establishments serving
          dispositions can influence an encounter.              older adults
          Sharing the workload and presentation                  • Clubs that may have a large older adult
          delivery reduces the pressure of thinking             membership (such as the Veterans of
          on your feet. However, prepare carefully in           Foreign Wars)
          advance to make sure that your team speaks             • Universities or colleges that offer
          with one voice based on the messages you              academic programs or services for
          develop. Delivering mixed messages creates            older adults
          confusion and weakens your credibility.
                                                             It is important to remind potential partners
          Seal the deal. Being credible and offering         of their strengths and how even seemingly
          incentives are important but these may not         small contributions can help prevent injury
          be enough to seal the deal. Use your passion       and death. Confirm how the proposed

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