Page 22 - Preventing Falls: How to Develop Community-based Fall Prevention Programs for Older Adults
P. 22

Appendix E — Template for Developing a Sustainability Plan


             Who can benefit: Older adults at moderate
             risk of falling. That is, people who have
             fallen in the past, are worried about falling,
             or feel unsteady when walking.

             Cost benefit: Stepping On has a return
             on investment (ROI) of 64%. That means,
             for every dollar invested in this program,
             there’s a net benefit of $1.64.

             Health effect: In the original study, the fall
             rate among participants was 30% lower
             than for people who did not attend this

             Information about this program can
             be found at:

              • Otago Exercise Program

             Program focus: Otago is an in-home
             exercise program delivered by physical
             therapists. It incorporates an individually
             tailored balance and strength program of
             progressive exercises along with a walking
             plan. The program includes at least seven
             home visits and seven phone calls over a
             12 month period.                                   Information about the Otago Exercise
             Who can benefit: The Otago Exercise                Program can be found at: www.cdc.
             Program is especially suited to somewhat           gov/STEADI/compendium.html.
             frail older adults and is especially beneficial
             for people aged 80 and older.                   Selecting a program
             Health effect: In the original study, the fall   Once you have determined there is
             rate among participants was 35% lower           support for evidence-based fall prevention
             than among people who did not take part         programs, you will need to consider the
             in this program.                                pros and cons of specific programs.
             Cost benefit: For all people aged 65 and        Selecting a program that works for your
             older, the return on investment (ROI) was       community and your organization takes
             36%. However, for people aged 80 and            some thought and time. Based on a
             older, the ROI was 127%.                        community needs assessment, your goals,

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