Page 47 - Preventing Falls: How to Develop Community-based Fall Prevention Programs for Older Adults
P. 47
• Use audience feedback to make • Keep your wording simple and direct.
adjustments before launching • Consider design as well as content.
your campaign. For example, older adults may prefer
Step 5: Identify message outlets. Decide larger type.
how you can deliver your message most • Pretest any materials you develop as
effectively. Answers to the following part of your campaign with members of
questions can help you identify the best your target audience group and make
outlets for your message. modifications based on their feedback.
• Where does your audience get information This crucial step can make the difference
that they trust? Is it from the media, their between success and failure in a community
peers, their physicians, or children? outreach campaign.
• Where does your audience spend time? Step 8: Implement, evaluate, and modify
Do they spend time at senior centers, your campaign. As you carry on your
libraries, or faith-based organizations such outreach campaign, determine if you are
as churches or synagogues? moving toward your goal. If not, investigate
Partnerships offer unique opportunities to the reasons why.
reach complementary target audiences. • See what barriers are preventing
Health care providers can publicize your the message from reaching the
fall prevention program to older adults. target audience.
Providers also can directly refer at-risk adults
to your program. When asking a partner to • Determine what you can do to
help with promotional activities, emphasize remove these obstacles.
the connection between their work and your • Use what you learn to improve
program goal. your campaign.
Step 6: Develop an action plan for the Working with the media
campaign. Create an action plan that
demonstrates good time and resource You can use media such as local newspapers,
management. While it can be simple or radio, and television stations to enhance
complex, at a minimum your action plan your promotion activities. The media has a
should identify: mandate to provide a public service, so they
should welcome the opportunity to make the
• Major activities and tasks
community aware of your organization’s fall
• Target date for completing each task prevention program. See your relationship
• The person responsible for ensuring with the media as one of mutual advantage;
that each task is completed you provide useful and timely information
Step 7: Develop and pretest campaign for their audiences, and they provide public
materials. In developing materials, pay access and outreach for you.
attention to reading level, print size, and • Start with a web-based system or your
languages. local online telephone directory and