Page 51 - Preventing Falls: How to Develop Community-based Fall Prevention Programs for Older Adults
P. 51
• Foundation grants and philanthropy It also includes:
• Health care organizations, Accountable • Workforce capacity
Care Organizations, Patient Centered • Information/data systems
Medical Homes, Health Maintenance
Organizations • Accessible workshop space
• An adequate number of well-trained
• Not-for-Profit Community Hospitals
lay leaders.
• Employers
A well-coordinated and integrated service
• Bequest Marketing and delivery system creates a pipeline for
• Parks and Recreation participant referrals and referral sources,
• Senior housing such as health care organizations, community
health clinics, Medicaid and Aging and
• In-kind contributions
Disability Resources Centers (ADRCs).
• Older Americans Act funding.
State Medicaid agencies should be integrated
Demonstrate benefits into state fall prevention program delivery
systems as a referral and/or funding source.
Use your program evaluation results to
promote sustainability. Demonstrate the Strategies for achieving
value of your program. Share your evaluation financial sustainability
results with your target audience, the
community, your partners, your current and • Engage in financial planning early
potential funding sources, and stakeholders. • Diversify sources of funding support
Study your program goals and evaluation • Engage community leaders
results to identify areas for improvement
or change that might make your program • Activate program champions
more sustainable. • Develop a convincing case for the
program and its potential for a positive
Delivery infrastructure return on investment
A robust delivery system is essential to • Explore the potential to incorporate
supporting long-term sustainability and programming within existing budgets
ensures that fall prevention programs will • Use strategies to manage or lower costs
be delivered on an ongoing basis. One of the programming
approach is to integrate fall prevention into
existing programs that are already part of
the state and local health and aging services
support systems.
A strong delivery system includes
organizational factors necessary to lead
sustainability efforts, such as leadership and
project management skills.