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8 Managing mild diarrhea
Diarrhea ordinarily clears up on its own within one or two days
For a mild case of diarrhea, here’s how to ease your discomfort:
• Drink certain liquids
Try broth, diluted fruit juices (except prune juice) and beverages
such as Gatorade that contain electrolytes Drinks that have electro-
lytes help replace the fluids and body chemicals lost during diarrhea
• Drink enough liquids
Drink enough liquids so that you urinate about every four hours
If you have diarrhea and your urine is dark, you may be getting
dehydrated This is a clue to drink more fluids
• Eat low-fiber foods (only when you have diarrhea)
As your symptoms improve or your stools become formed, start to
eat low-fiber foods, such as soda crackers, toast, white bread, eggs,
rice or chicken Avoid greasy or fatty foods, milk, and highly
seasoned foods for a few days
• Avoid anti-diarrheal medications
Short-term diarrhea doesn’t require antibiotics Over-the-counter
anti-diarrheal products may actually prolong your diarrhea Situations
vary, though, so ask your doctor about your specific case
9 Dealing with stress incontinence
Sudden, strong pressure (stress) on your bladder from exercising,
coughing, sneezing or heavy lifting can cause incontinence This
“leaky bladder,” called stress incontinence, is common among
women Treatment varies, depending on severity Talk with your
doctor about options, such as:
• Kegel exercises
To do these, imagine that you’re trying to stop your flow of urine
Squeeze the muscles you’d use and hold for a count of three Relax
for three counts Repeat Do these several times a day With a simple
physical exam, your doctor can help you identify these muscles and
learn to do Kegels Most women will benefit, and the results can be
long lasting If you do Kegels routinely, you’ll likely see improve-
ment within two months If you don’t, talk with your doctor
10 Mayo Clinic