Page 13 - MAYO CLINIC Head to Toe e-magazine 293700
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• Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol
Smoking increases the rate of bone loss Regularly drinking more 12
than moderate levels of alcohol can hasten bone loss and reduce
your body’s ability to absorb calcium
11 Treating back pain at home
Back pain usually resolves within two to three weeks with these
simple self-care measures But contact your doctor immediately if
your back pain resulted from a fall or blow to your back, or if it
causes weakness or numbness in one or both legs, or new bladder
or bowel problems
• Apply heat
Try using a heating pad (on the low setting), heat wrap, heat pack
or warm compress for 20 minutes To avoid burns, don’t fall asleep
while using a heat source Consider setting a timer to turn off the
heat source or to wake you up if you do happen to fall asleep
• Use over-the-counter medications if needed
Acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) may help control pain
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen (Advil,
Motrin IB, others), also can reduce inflammation Read labels and
use the recommended doses unless your doctor advises otherwise
Check with your doctor if you’re taking other medications
• Combine rest with gentle movement
Get plenty of rest, but avoid prolonged bed rest Staying in bed more
than a day or two may slow your recovery Moderate movement
keeps your muscles strong and flexible Avoid heavy lifting, pushing
or pulling
12 Mayo Clinic