Page 2 - MAYO CLINIC Head to Toe e-magazine 293700
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          Brain and Heart
                1.  Reducing your risk of stroke and heart attack                       3
                2.  Exercising for a healthy heart                                                        4
                3.  Choosing a home blood pressure unit                      5
                4.  Staying mentally sharp                                                                        6
          Digestive and Urinary Tracts
                5.  Avoiding heartburn                                                                            7
                6.  Preventing excess gas                                                                         8
                7.  Preventing constipation                                                                     9
                8.  Managing mild diarrhea                                                                10
                9.  Dealing with stress incontinence                          10
          Bones and Joints
              10.  Preventing osteoporosis                                                                 11
              11.  Treating back pain at home                                12
              12.  Living with arthritis: Assistive devices                                 13
          Skin and Hair
              13.  Spotting skin cancer                                                                         14
              14.  Guarding against dry skin                                 15
              15.  Controlling dandruff                                                                       15
          Eyes and Ears
              16.  Ensuring proper lighting                                                               16
              17.  Protecting your eyes from the sun                                            17
              18.  Preventing noise-induced hearing loss                                    18
              19.  Choosing the right hearing aids                            18
          Nose, Throat and Mouth
              20.  Relieving seasonal allergies                                19
              21.  Soothing minor sore throat pain                                                    20
              22.  Battling bad breath                                                                            21
              23.  Choosing toothpaste and mouthwash                                    22
          Legs and Feet
              24.  Controlling painful leg cramps                                                   23
              25.  Self-care tips for varicose veins                           23
              26.  Shopping for shoes                                                                           24
              27.  Staying ahead of athlete’s foot                                                    25

          50 Head-to-Toe Health Tips                                  1
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7