Page 5 - MAYO CLINIC Head to Toe e-magazine 293700
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2     Exercising for a healthy heart

              If you exercise regularly, you may lower your risk of a heart attack
              and stroke  If you are middle-aged or older and haven’t been exercising
              regularly or have a chronic health problem, work with your doctor
              to develop an exercise program  To condition your heart safely:
              •  Start at a comfortable level of exertion
              Try walking five to 10 minutes over a short distance indoors
              Increase your time by five minutes a session as you’re able
              •  Schedule regular exercise
              Aim for 30 to 60 minutes a day of low- to moderate-intensity physical

              • Include variety
              Combine three types of exercise — stretching (flexibility), endurance
              (aerobic or cardio) and strengthening (weight training)  Start each
              session with a warm-up of lower intensity, and cool down gradually
              Mind-body exercises, such as yoga and tai chi, may provide even
              greater benefits
              •  Cross-train to reduce your risk of injury
              Alternate among exercises that emphasize different parts of the
              body, such as swimming, bicycling and walking
              •  Don’t overdo it

              Start slowly and build up gradually, allowing time between sessions
              for your body to rest and recover  And forget the saying “No pain,
              no gain ” A little muscle soreness when you do something new isn’t
              unusual, but soreness doesn’t equal pain  If it hurts, stop doing it
              •  Increase your physical activity

              Even routine activities such as gardening, climbing stairs or washing
              floors can burn calories and help improve your health  You’ll get
              the most benefit from a structured exercise program, but any physical
              movement helps  Walk or bike to the store instead of driving, park
              farther away at the shopping mall or take the stairs instead of taking
              an elevator

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