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         sanctified through the deaths of His beloved and holy children. We
         feel an added level of thanks to Hashem for enabling us to spread
         these words of Torah during these difficult times.

            This volume is dedicated to R' Moshe Hezghian zt”l, our esteemed
         and loyal friend, a person who exemplified the words of the gemara in
         Sanhedrin 88b; his “comings and goings” were all in utmost humility
         and self-effacement. He passed away and was taken to his final resting
         place on the 16th of Iyar 5781.

            R' Hezghian served as treasurer of our foundation in the United
         States, and dedicated his life to the twin pursuits of Torah and
         chessed. He established a glorious family, and amongst other
         accomplishments, built a Beis Knesses that brought many people
         closer to Torah. May his memory be blessed.

             The skilled and dedicated work of our staff has brought this
         volume to completion. Rabbi Moshe Dovid Goldblum edited this
         volume with an eye for detail and precision, both halachically and
         linguistically. Mrs. R. Schlesinger’s skilled proofreading and review
         significantly enhanced the professionalism and consistency of this
         volume and the project in its entirety. Mrs. E.M. Friedman took
         responsibility for coordination of the many details involved in the
         project, and for the final proofing of the work. Mr. Ephrayim Babi
         is the efficient typesetter and printer of this volume, and Mrs. Sara
         Jaskiel, graphic designer of the beautiful cover. Our appreciation to
         all those involved is heartfelt.

                                        Rabbi Yehuda Assaf
                                       Maimonides Research Institute
                                       25 Tishrei, 5782

vi  1  Medical-Halachic Responsa of Rav Zilberstein
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