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NEWSLETTER 10/1/2018
Department of Communication Studies communication
Welcome Back!
Welcome to the Department of Communication
Studies at California State University, Northridge.
Whether you are attending classes on campus for
the first time, completing a degree in the major,
are a community friend, a retired faculty member
or a former student, this newsletter has something
for everyone. No matter who you are, welcome to
the new 2018-2019 academic school year. This
new year also means new hires, new faculty
research, and new events. Thus, we are sending
you this newsletter to keep you abreast of the
highlights and happenings in the Department of Inside This Issue
Communication Studies at CSUN.
The visual theme for this volume is Food Chair’s Message--1
Communication. The topic intersects two different New Department Hires 2
disciplines, communication studies and food Graduate Students 4
studies. From the perspective of communication Faculty and Student Research 7
studies, food has and continues to be an Alumni Spotlight 10
important symbol in our creation of meaning. Upcoming Events 14
Enjoy the photos of food and try to make meaning Donation Campaign 21
of the visuals on each page.