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Faculty Research Pt. 2

          Sakile Camara, Mark Orbe, Kohzi Makai & Lea Gilinets

                               This Communication Training and Development text is packed
                               with training and development content needed to become a

                               successful trainer. From the experiences of twenty-two
                               academics and practitioners in the field of training, readers
                               learn how to: (1) train using communication topics, (2) design
                               training modules, (3) use storytelling as a critical component of
                               the training process, and (4) set up contracts for clients. The

                               book includes access to the itraine toolkit.

          Sakile Camara, Angela Cooke-Jackson, Randi Picarelli & Kathy Beasley

                                A Field Guide to Internships: An Interactive Resource for
                                Discovering Your Career explore myths and benefits of

                                internships.  Through deep self-work, readers become familiar
                                with labor laws, how to develop relationships through
                                mentoring, building networks online and on ground, and

                                troubleshoot workplace interactions. This book comes with
                                access to Bravofolio, an e-portfolio solution.

          Sakile Camara, Jade Huel, Brianna Broady and Troi Phillips will present a paper
          at the National Communication Association in November in Salt Lake City, Utah
          on Black Hair “Play” Disruptions: A Quartet Ethnography.

          Monica Gallegos

          Monica Gallegos had the following manuscript accepted for presentation at a
          competitive paper panel for the Applied Division at NCA, 2018: Gallegos, M. L. &
          Emerine, J. I Can Still be their Mom from a Distance: Understanding Experiences
          of Incarcerated Mothers in a Faith-Based Parenting Program.

          Monica Gallegos had the following manuscript accepted for publication in the
          APA journal Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. Gallegos, M. L., & Segring, C.
          (2018). Exploring the mediating role of loneliness in the relationship between

          spirituality and health: Implications for the Latino health paradox.
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