Page 14 - 2018 Communique New
P. 14
Ly French
Temitayo Osilesi Danyial Motiwala
I am a weekend news producer, I received my bachelor’s and I graduated from CSUN in
assignment desk and web editor for master’s in Communication Studies 2012. For the past few years,
KBAK/KBFX in Bakersfield. I produce from California State University, I've been part of the Product
all the content for our 5 p.m., 6 Northridge. I professionally present Management team at Hulu
p.m., 10 p.m., and 11 p.m. and sell engaging and cost- building out Subscription &
newscasts. This job consists of effective digital marketing Billing enhancements and
crafting rundowns, writing stories, programs to local and national optimizations to help us
teases and cut-ins for our shows. businesses to get them in front of consistently grow our business
During the week, I am an upscale 24-Hour Fitness, LA Fitness, into the millions! I get to work
assignment desk editor. This job Gold’s Gym, and Planet Fitness with many cross-functional
requires that I mobilize our field members. My job as an Account teams; like marketing, finance,
reporters and photographers to Executive at Zoom Media consists legal, and developers when
cover breaking news during live of introducing myself to businesses, building out the subscription
newscasts and create stories that setting up appointments, platform. I love TV, and I love
affect our viewers. Telling stories by presenting and selling our digital the tech space even more; I'm
producing news that informs marketing programs, getting blessed to work at the cross-
audiences about current events signed advertising contracts and roads of entertainment and
and empowering all to seek action collecting payments. My company technology!
within the community is a great features 16 businesses at each
blessing. I was inspired to pursue my fitness club and offers our clients
passion for storytelling by my exclusivity in their categories and
professors at the Mike Curb College the first option to renew.
of Arts, Media and Communication
at California State University at
What our alums do with a degree in Communication Studies