Page 17 - 2018 Communique New
P. 17



   "Professor Baty's Advanced

   Public Speaking class has
   partnered with the LAPD
   Topanga Station to teach public
   speaking skills during their after-
   school Cadet Program. The
   Cadet Program helps instill

   leadership, discipline and
   academic excellence in young
   participants from across the San
   Fernando Valley. CSUN students                             COMS 309: Advanced
   in Advanced Public Speaking                                Public Speaking and
   team up to design and
   implement a 6-week public                                  LAPD Cadets
   speaking workshop to help the

   Cadets build confidence in
   speaking, and community with
   CSUN."  More news to come.

   The LAPD Cadet Program is
   designed to offer youth an
   opportunity to develop skills that
   will help them throughout their
   lives, while working with one of
   the finest law enforcement

   agencies in the country.  The
   Program is offered at each of
   the 21 community police
   stations across the city, as well
   as at seven specialized divisions.
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