Page 13 - 2018 Communique New
P. 13
Graduate Student
Research & Collaborations
Ambria Dean (Graduate
Student), Jessica Kwack
Monique Gervorkian and Scott Wolfe (CSUN Alum/Lecturer),
"Second year graduate student and teaching Xuejing Yao (Graduate
associate Monique Gevorkian was recently Student), Carlos Flores
accepted to present at the 2019 Hawaii (CSUN Alum/Faculty),
International Conference on Education where she Brianna Broady (CSUN
will be presenting a workshop titled, "Speaking with Alum), and Nancy
Conviction: Diminishing Student Anxiety to Increase Molina-Rogers (CSUN
Class Participation." With her workshop partner and Alum/Lecturer) will
fellow cohort member Scott Wolfe, the workshop is
designed to help educators worldwide reduce present a paper panel at
students' anxiety in participating in class to the National
enhance the learning process and to create a Communication
more comfortable classroom environment. Association Conference
Activities will be presented that instructors can titled "Women Mentoring
utilize in their classrooms, focusing mainly on Women in Academia: Is
diminishing the fears that hold students back from this Impossible?"
participating and creating more confident and
refined speakers. Dr. Tina Harris (Faculty
Univ of Georgia), is the
respondent and Sakile
Camara is the panel