Page 16 - The Freckled Eye - Book
P. 16

Chapter 4     A Voice Within

               MAY 2016 –

               The winter season was over and Jay and I were done at the magical snow
               cabin in the mountains.  I'd gone back to the Bay Area (San Ramon) where I
               lived with my mom.  We’d been living in an apartment for the last 2 years,
               since I sold my house in San Jose, Ca in 2014..

               I’d been wanting a new start in life.  I wanted to find my passion, something
               that filled by heart.  For the last 26+ years I’d been in real estate and outside
               sales.  I’d been serving others for a very long time, which had really zapped
               my soul.  I had lived in the Bay Area all my life and it was time for me to make
               a change.  Something inside me kept telling me, I needed to sell my home, I’d
               loved for 14 years.  It was a voice that wouldn’t go away, it kept pushing me to
               make a huge change.

               I’d been struggling with this for some time.  My mom lived with me, our lives
               were perfect for the most part.  We had wonderful neighbors and a life that
               was comfortable... but to keep this life, I felt I'd be stuck in the only industry I
               knew, which was tearing me apart inside.   I couldn’t do it anymore.  But how
               was I going to make the change? Where would we go?  All I knew was I
               couldn’t do "it" anymore and the voice inside wouldn’t go away.  It kept
               pushing me... to the point I had to face my fears, I had to listen.

               Finally, I talked with my mom, I cried breaking down hysterically.  I felt so
               bad.  I didn’t want to uproot her and her happy life, but I just couldn’t
               stay.  The only thing I could do, financially, was to sell my house.  Mom was
               so wonderful and supportive as she was with everything in my life.  She was
               behind me, as I knew she would be.  But I felt so terrible and guilty, all self-

               We made the decision to sell my house, which sold.  It was time to move.   I’d
               never been away from the Bay Area, everything I knew was there.  I was
               having a really hard time and was worried about mom.  I knew she wanted to
               be near my brother, which was in San Ramon, to help him with work.  My
               niece and nephew were there too, so having the family close would be
               good.  Mom and I decided to move near my brother and his family.  Then we’d
               figure out my next step.
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