Page 2 - March 2018 The Scoop DDS Newsletter
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The 2018 Fastest Typist State Championship Contest came to a dramatic close on Tuesday, March 3, at the
Atlanta CSC. As expected, there was no shortage of customers to serve on a typically busy Tuesday. The
Regional Winners arrived ready for the challenge and were in fierce competition for one hour. With their
cheering squads beside them and flashy signs in the air, the finalists competed for the best transaction time
and bragging rights for a year as the 2018 Fastest Typist State Champion at DDS.

Afterwards, they were serenaded and celebrated at a special ceremony and lunch buffet. In addition to the
Senior Management Team and District Managers, the group enjoyed tunes by DJ Dragon, aka Ashley
Abraham, our Marietta Center Manager. Darren DeLoach, a Driver Examiner from Savannah, sang a rousing
tribute proclaiming that we all are winners!

Finally, it was time to announce the winners. First place went to Lynette Robertson from Decatur with a
time of 2:31 (two minutes and 31 seconds)! Keyiera Ezell from Perry and Gianna (GiGi) Liady from
Fayetteville were second and third place winners respectively.

To all the competitors, congratulations on your achievement. Use the off-season to keep your fingers limber
for next year’s trials.

                                                              Left to Right: Deputy Commissioner Ricky Rich; 2nd Place
                                                              Winner Keyiera Ezell, District 7, Perry; 1st Place Winner Lynette
                                                              Robertson, District 5, Decatur; 3rd Place Winner Gianna Liady,
                                                              District 4, Fayetteville; Commissioner Spencer R. Moore
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