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P. 26

===================�SECTJO5 Traffic Laws

               Passing a Postal Carrier or Sanitation Workers

                The operator of a motor vehicle               •If a lane change would be impossible, prohibited
                approaching a postal service vehicle or a     by law, or unsafe, reduce the speed of the motor
                vehicle with active sanitation workers that is   vehicle to a reasonable and  proper speed for the
                displaying flashing yellow, amber, white, or   existing road and traffic conditions, which speed
                red lights shall approach the vehicle with    shall be at least ten miles per hour less than the
                due caution and shall (unless directed by a   posted speed limit or 25 miles per hour, whichever
                peace officer) proceed as follows:            is more,  and be prepared to stop.
                •Make a lane change into a lane not
                adjacent to the vehicle if possible in the    •Violation of subsection (b) of this Code section
                existing safety and traffic conditions; or    shall be punished by a fine of not more 71 than


               Textlng   Cell Phone
               Use While Driving
                 has       Law (HB
               673)   mandates that   are
               not allowed to hold or support a phone
               for any reason. A phone can only be
               used with headphones, a wireless
               device, phone holder or mounted
                 Penalties are fines and
               points added to your   record
               i    each conviction.


                 Pursuant to 40-6-241 (c  pass      all drivers operating   motor vehicle
                   any highway   this   Holding or   with any part of
                 a wireless         electronic device.
            •      Writing, sending or reading any text-based communication, including a

            text message, instant message, e-mail or internet data.

            •      Watching, recording, or broadcasting a video or movie.
             •      1st conviction - 1 point and fine not more than $50.00
             •      2nd conviction - 2 points and fine not more than $100.00
             •      3rd or more convictions - 3 points and fine nor more than $150.00
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