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            TEENDRWING                        Responsible Adult Requirements     • You will be required to present documents
                                                                                  verifyg your identity, U.S. citizenship or
            LAWS                             have a respoible adult present to sign the ap­  lawful presence, and Georgia residency as
                                               All  applicants  under  18 years  of  age  must
                                                                                  explained on pages 10-11 ;
                                             plication and complete the Responsible Adult
            This Section Covers              Affidavit. A responsle adult is a person who   • You must know your full Soci Secuty
                                             is  eighteen  (18)  years  of  age  or  older,
                                                                                    umber or provide proof of your ineli gi bility
                                              competent  to  verif  the  application,  and  has   to obtain a Social Security Number. See page
            School Enrollment Requirements ..................... .26   personal  knowledge  of  the  applicant.  He  or   10 for a list of acceptable documents;
            Joshua's Law ....................................................... 26   she may be:
                                                                                 •  If you are under age 18, you will be required
            Class C Instrnal Pennit (CP) ....................... 26               to present proof of school enrollment as
                                                                                  explained in this section;
            Class D Provisional License ........................... 27   • A  parent  or  legal  guardian  of  the
                                                 applicant  (must  provide  school  or
            Teens Movin to Georgia ............................... 27            • If you are under age 18, a parent, legal
                                                 military documents, tax information or a  guardian or responsible adult will have to
            Revocation of Minor's Ucense/Permit ............. .27   driver's license/permit/ID card  to  show   sign the application, thereby giving their
                                                 relationship to applicant),      consent for you to obtain a permit. The
            License/Permit Suspensions ............................. 27           individual who signs your application may,
                                                • A socia worker who has worked with   for any reason, revoke your permit until you
            Suspension of Driver's License/Permit                          an     reach the age of 18;
            or Driving Privileges .............................................. 27                 state
                                                 agency),                        • You v.'ill be required to pass a vision test.
            Convictions Other Than DUI .................................. 27
                                                                                  Your eyes will be tested by means of a
            Convictions for Driving Under the   •       instructor
                                                                                  mechacal device;
             Influence of Drugs or Alcool (DUQ ....................... 27             o  the
                                                                                 • You v.'ill be requid to pass a knowledge
                                                 documentation to verif           exam related to Road Signs and Road Rules.
                                                                                  Please refer to page 16 for more information
                                                •           shelter
           In 1997 The Teenage and Driver Responsibilit)                          related to the knowledge exam;
                                                   the            r  (must
           Act (TADRA) established a graduated driver's
                                                 provide an employee ID or a letter from   •  The test fee is $10.00 and must be paid prior
           licensing  program  for  teens  ages  15  to  18  in   the shelter),
           Georgia.   This  means  that  teens  progress                          to testing. If any part of the test is failed, no
                                                                                  refund will be issued. The permit fee must be
           through  a  licensing  process  in  three  phases.
                                                •   s      applicant              paid prior to every testing attempt.
           As teens  reach a certain age,  complete certain
           requiements  and  have  demonstrated  their   • Other     can    identified

           ability to safely operate a motor vehicle,  they       stat      official  school   Conditions of a Class C Instructional
           are  allowed  to  progress  to  the  next  phase.             or      Permit {CP)
           Successful  progression  to  the next  phase  also   documentation from a federal agency or
           requies  a  demonstration  of  reponsibility  on   entity.
           the part of the teen by avoiding any violations                        •  Once issued a Oass C Instructional
                                                                                    Permit (CP ) ,  you  may  operate  any
           during  the  term  of  the  license  held.  TADRA
                                                                                    Oass  C vehicle  when accompanied  by
           also  includes  school  enrollment  requients
                                              Joshua's Law                          a  person  at least  21  years  of  age  who
           and  license  suspension/revocation  provisions     .
                                          .    Jos  h  ua's Law promot  mcrea  sec! teen  dri  .   is  licensed  to drive  a  Class  C  vehicle,
           f  or  angerous   beh  .   ( e.g.   DUI,  excessive  .
                                               fe.  Th  h hi"  h
                                                             fJ  h  ,  La  •  cl  d  e
                                             sa  ty.   e  1g  1gtso  os ua s   wm  u  :  who  is  fit  and capable  of  exercising
           speedin  etc.)
                 g,                                                                 control  over  the vehicle, and who is
                                               A ppro ved driv education traini requ   occupying a seat beside the driver;
                                               to obtain a Gass D Provisional licens at ages 16
           School Enrollment                   andl7;                             •  Oass C Instructional Permits (CP) are
            Requirements                       A ppr oved driver education training requ   valid for 2 years.
                                               to obtain a Gass M Instructional Permit (MP)
                                               at age 16;
             Anyone younger than 18 years of age must   You must be 17 years of age to obtain a Oass
           present one of the following in order to obtain a   M Motorcycle Operator's License.
           driver's license or instructional permit:   The first stage of the  graduated  licensing
             l.  Certificate of School Enrollment (DS-1-  program is a Class C Instructional Permit
               obtained from school personnel);  (CP).
            2.  High School Diploma;
            3.  General Education Development  GED);  Class C Instructional Per  (CP)
            4.  S pec ial Diploma;
            5.  Certificate of High School Completion;  In­s  P       mu  meet
            6. College or vocational school transcript dated  all             if
               within the last thirty days (official transcript  y ou     alread     so.   page

               with seal required);           for requirements.
             7. Certificate of Adult Literacy  proving pursuit
              of a GED (available from the Technical Col­  Obtaining a Class C
              l e  ystcm of Georgia for those currently  Instructional Permit {CP)
              enroUed in a GED program);                      ag         anytime
             8. Declaration ofinlent for Home Schoolers.               Cla
                                                                    The   following

                                                  he  you     your
                                              visit to a DDS Customer Service Center:
             26                                         f l      ►
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