Page 15 - April 2018 The Scoop DDS Newsletter
P. 15

Procurement News

         Inquiring Minds Want to Know!

Many times, you may wonder why there are so many “rules” when it comes to purchasing what you
need. When using tax payer dollars, we are held to very strict standards by the Department of
Audits as well as the Department of Administrative Services/State Purchasing Division. Every
agency is continually audited to ensure that we are good stewards of our funds and that we comply
with all policies and laws regarding procurement. With that in mind, the following bullet points
were designed to provide additional information on the policies we currently follow:

• Do you know why the monthly p-card deadlines are so important?

     The monthly reconciliation deadline is important because the Procurement Department must audit all
     transactions before Accounts Payable can pay the monthly charges by the VISA card due date. Avoid
     getting those pesky calls and emails about reconciling and approving your P-card statements! Mark your
     calendars for 10 days following the statement end date (27th of each month) as the deadline for this

• Do you know why we may need to change the account numbers and/or department codes when

     Everyone has a “default” department and account code which automatically populates the fields when you
     create a requisition or use your p-card. For 99% of our users, that account code is for office supplies.
     Changing the “chartfields” to reflect the correct codes ensures that the proper department is being charged
     for the goods and services being ordered and the account code is reflective of what you are buying. This is
     important for our management team to determine how much we are spending in certain areas and how to
     properly allocate budgets.

• Did you know that as a State entity we are not supposed to pay sales tax?

     When making purchases for the Drivers Services and the State of Georgia, our purchases should always
     be tax exempt. If you are charged sales tax, you should immediately contact the vendor about obtaining a
     credit for the sales tax you are charged. When reconciling that p-card transaction, you need to note in the
     comments field that you have contacted the vendor and are waiting on the credit to be posted to your
     account. DDS Procurement will monitor outstanding credits to ensure they are received.

• Do you know why we are required to purchase some soap products and our toner cartridges
    from Georgia Enterprises for Products and Services (GEPS)?

     The State Use Law, as set forth in O.C.G.A. 50-5-135, is intended to create opportunities for disabled
     persons employed by community-based rehabilitation programs and training centers certified by the State
     Use Council. Goods identified as a “preferred source” by the State Use Council (such as the soap products

    and toners) are identified on the State Use Procurement List as MANDATORY and must be purchased

     through GEPS.

• Do you know why it is better to purchase your office supplies using Staples Team GA
    Marketplace verses going into their store?

     To obtain contract pricing, our Staples Rep and the State procurement regulating body (D.O.A.S. State
     Purchasing) have negotiated the price on thousands of core items, so when using the e-catalog through
     TGM, you are ensured to receive the contract price on everything you purchase without being charged
     sales tax. However, when you make your purchase in their store, you may not get your statewide contract
     pricing. Many times, the store personnel will also be unaware of the exemption from sales taxes and you
     must take a tax exemption form to the stores with you.

         o The per item cost and total purchase amount
         o Shipping charges – if applicable
• Did you know that when you are out for an extended period (i.e., vacation or FMLA)
    you can transfer your approval authority to another approver within DDS?
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