Page 16 - April 2018 The Scoop DDS Newsletter
P. 16

• Do you know why your card may be declined?

     It could be as simple as your total purchase amount is greater than your single transaction limit, your
     maximum allowable monthly limit has been met or your card has expired. Most p-card cardholders
     have a monthly and single transaction limit of $500. In some cases, Bank of America may detect
     suspicious activity and put your card under a “fraud alert”. Contact Andrea Fender at 678-413-8833
     or Betsy Prior at 678-413-8714 if you have a problem using your card.

• Do you know what information should always be listed on your invoices and/or credit

          o Vendor name, address and phone number or email
          o Sold to and Ship to information
          o Date order was placed
          o Invoice number (sometimes includes a purchase order number)
          o A description and quantity of the item(s) purchased or being returned (sometimes this includes

                a product/model number)
          o The per item cost and total purchase amount
          o Shipping charges – if applicable

• Did you know that when you are out for an extended period (i.e., vacation or FMLA)
    you can transfer your approval authority to another approver within DDS?

     Contact either Andrea Fender or Betsy Prior for instructions.

• Do you know why the end-of-fiscal-year p-card deadline is important?

     At the end of each fiscal year, the Finance Department must close out all procurement events by June
     30th prior to the new fiscal year beginning on July 1st. At DDS, this means that there will be just a few
     weeks in June where no p-card purchases can be made or requisitions created. For emergency
     purchases during this time, contact DDS Procurement at 678-413-8714 for assistance.

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