Page 5 - April 2018 The Scoop DDS Newsletter
P. 5

Angelique McClendon

         Participates in S.T.E.A.M. Day and
                 Read Across Georgia

DDS General Counsel Angelique McClendon attended the annual S.T.E.A.M. Day (Science, Technology,
Engineering, Arts and Math) at Shoal Creek Elementary School in Conyers. Although she has participated
in this event for years, you never know what the students will come up with. This group was no different.
“One kid swore he already knew how to drive. The kids also always tell me about a family member who
has been to court, but I tell them to keep that private,” she added.
Most of the students usually know what an attorney does based on TV. “I explain that those attorneys
are just one type. You can go to court, negotiate contracts, help celebrities get money, help people and
handle car cases like Ken Nugent”. She also explained about what you need to do to become an attorney.
She gave the students an exercise in intellectual property by using examples of art work they created,
stories they read or songs they compose. They got to participate in exercises to explain contracts (an
agreement to allow use of a pencil or book and return it.) they get to add consequences for breaking the
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