Page 8 - April 2018 The Scoop DDS Newsletter
P. 8
Meet R. Kyle Cain
What do you enjoy most about working at DDS?
I Love the people that I work with and the fact that DDS promotes a Team Concept! It makes it
easy to get up and come to work every day.
What contribution to the Regulatory Compliance Division are you most proud of?
Even though I have only been in Regulatory Compliance since October of 2017, I am most
proud of some of the new processes and monitoring techniques that we are utilizing with our
CDL Compliance Team. We are using our CDL Fraud Analyst to develop charts/spreadsheets
and other physical data, to assist us with some Risk based Monitoring of our Third-Party
What has been your funniest story about working at DDS?
Back in 1997, while working on the Travel Team (new Examiners will have no idea what that is)
myself and my partner were working over in Cuthbert, when a customer came in trying to get a
reinstatement. During this time, we only had dedicated reinstatement offices located around
the State and Cuthbert was not one of them. I explained that the customer was not going to
be able to get reinstated at our office, but that he could go to the Albany office (about 50 miles
away) and be reinstated. He became a little angry with me and stated “son, you need to know
that I am a Master Mason.” I was young and dumb, and stated “sir, I don’t care how good of a
brick layer you are, we can’t do a reinstatement at this office.” My partner was quick to call me