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growing  -  Pomegranates

    Punica granatum is one of the all
    time great plants of

    horticulture. It is native to the
    Eastern Mediterranean, North
    Africa, Afghanistan and Iran,
    where it has been grown since
    ancient times.
                                        BENEFITS - In late spring to summer single
    WHY - Pomegranates are very hardy   scarlet/orange flowers with crepe-like petals
    and can be grown anywhere in        appear. Pomegranates are one of the
    Botswana. They are frost and        healthiest foods on the planet, packed with
    drought tolerant. The delicious fruit   nutrients and powerful plant compounds.
    develops from late summer to early   They have wide-ranging benefits and may
    winter. The shrub is beautiful with   help reduce your risk of various serious
    bright, glossy green leaves.        illnesses, including heart disease, cancer,
                                        arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.
    HOW TO PLANT - Prepare the          What’s more, they may boost your memory
    plant hole, as for any large shrub   and exercise performance.
    or tree, plant in full sun, and water   PROPAGATE - Pomegranates can be easily
    in well. Once established this plant   grown  from seed, or cuttings.
    needs very little maintenance, and   WHERE - Punica granatum plants can be
    is tolerant of poor soil conditions.   bought from many nurseries around the
    They sometimes suffer from mealy-   country, and at Mokolodi Indigenous
    bugs, but otherwise are disease free.   nurseries in Mokolodi.         by Karin Duthie

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