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P. 28

he didn?t believe that the war was right and   sent to one of SOE?s commando training         Still following Heydrich?s orders, Klein
 Jan?s opinion on the subject was that his   centers at Arisaig in Scotland. Warrant   then set after Gab?ík, who hid in a
 country deserve much better from the way   Officer Jozef Gab?ík (Slovak) and Staff   butcher?s shop. The owner, a Nazi
 Czechoslovakia was getting treated   Sergeant Karel Svoboda were chosen to   sympathizer, someone who supported the
 currently. As far as physical appearance,   carry out the operation on 28 October 1941   practice of Nazism, revealed his hideout to
 they wouldn?t really look as Germans or   (Czechoslovakia's Independence Day), but   Klein, who collided with Gab?ík in the
 Aryans in the mix of the country. Yes, both   Svoboda was replaced with Jan Kubi? after a   shop. The assassin injured the driver in
 Jozef and Jan were different races and had   head injury during training. This caused   the leg and scurried away to safety. The
 different nationalities, but they worked well   delays in the mission as Kubi? had not   38-year old Heydrich was taken to nearby
 together. The assassinators were young   completed training, nor had the necessary   Bulovka hospital where he died June 4 at
 adults, with a mind of peace after the war, if   false documents been prepared for him   4:30 am.
 (Operation Anthropoid). The
 operation was given the codename                               L a s t i n g   Ef f e c t s . . .
 Anthropoid, Greek for ?having the
 form of a human,? a term usually                                      As I said before, the consequences of
 used in zoology. The plan was to                               these conflicts went upon the many
 keep the two men at one of the                                 human beings during the time of the war.
 Prague churches to protect them                                As Germany is no longer supported as a
 until the time of the assassination.                           whole of Nazism and Fascism, the
 They struggled to find a willing                               aftermath to the people won?t happen as
 church, so the went on with the                                the world knows. Though the new
 original plan, which was to kill him                           generation has come and Germany is no
 at a sharp turn while he was                                   longer Fascist, there are still different
 traveling home.                                                voices and memories that one
                                                                remembers. I don?t believe many would
 The physical appear ances of the thr ee pr ove                 be able to just 'shake off ' what happened
 to be var ied with m any unique featur es  being  Th e   As s a s s i n a t i o n  during the assassination. To Václav Je?ek,
 compar ed to each other  (Heydr ich on left,          The date was June 4, 1942, in   we could learn through these moments,
 Jozef in m iddle, Jan on Right).  Prague, Czechoslovakia. Civilians   This is t he gravest one and t he landmark of   being that "the mistake of today is that

 they were to ever to get out of the scene in   weren't going to expect something to   where t he some conflict s happened. This   people think that things can be done from
 time. The men looked as if they were Czech   come, may that something be an attack.   the top. No ? the individual is the one who
 (Jan) and Slovak (Jozef ), which many would   Neither did Heydrich, patrolling around   also represent s heroes and t he ones who   is decisive in history. The individual is the
 be able to see that they weren?t Aryan. This   through the country he was able to conquer   were not  only sacrificed, but   ones of ot her   one who has to decide between evil and
 may have possibly affected their outcome,   earlier. There were only few that knew   sit uat ions . The Ss. Cyril and Met hodius   good."  The impact that was given through
 nevertheless no information about how   about this assassination, with only some of   these historical moments were a definite
 Heydrich was able to know who they were   the confidential Czech intelligence services   Cat hedral is a memorial st one for t he   learning point through fixing future
 has been told or discovered. Before their   aware of the situation. Gab?ík and Kubi?   heroes in t he t ime.  humanity. Many were to believe that "they
 deaths, the adventure they both agreed to   were positioned at the tram stop near   didn?t have any other
 caused them struggles they may have not   Bulovka Hospital where there was a bend in   Heydrich suffered many injuries, including a   option"(Willoughby).
 been ready for.  the road while their colleague Josef Val?ík   broken rib, ruptured diaphragm and         This lead to the new generation of
 signaled with a mirror the arrival of   splinters in his spleen, with Kubi? was   viewers of the older events to only look upon
 Heydrich?s open-roofed Mercedes Benz   injured as well. The explosion shattered the   what happened. Yes, Jan and Jozef were able
 St r u g g l e s   a n d   Pl a n s
 (Operation Anthropoid). Gab?ík jumped in   windows of a tram as shards of glass   to prevent Heydrich from ever overcoming
        Preparation of the assassination began   front of the vehicle, but his sten gun, which   maimed passengers. Though harshly   another patch of land or country, but the
 on October 20, 1941. Moravec had personally   were quite unreliable, jammed. Heydrich   injured, Heydrich tried to chase Gab?ík but   effects for his family could have been
 selected two dozen of the most promising   had his car stopped and tried to shoot Gab?ík   soon fell and collapsed. The driver Klein   different. What for you is the message of
 personnel from among the 2,000 exiled   when Kubi? hurled a grenade. Although the   raced after Kubi?, but his sten gun jammed   what the parachutists did, 75 years ago?
 Czech soldiers based in Britain. They were   bomb only hit the rear wheel of the car,   and the resistance fighter got away.
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