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Great Depression was here (According to Kory Bryan, The Great noise when walking. Flappers were T R A N S P O R T A T I O N
to come and some people Depression) known as rebellious young women, In the twenties new ways for
had to find some way to get that didn?t want to listen to her elders. transportation were very important
over the grief of the war, so They wanted to seem very mature but and relevant for there community. So,
they would drink and great for the men that they wanted to they created automobiles like the
smoke to find happiness, Women in the twenties wore dresses, date .(In Flappers in the Roaring Rolls Royce?s, Ford?s etc. They had
which obviously isn?t tops, coats, shoes, stockings, hats, Twenties) boats, and Airplanes which also
healthy. Banks crashed, and jewelry, purses/bags, sunglasses, and became very popular during this time
lots of people lost money, it they even had many different sewing period. But not only did they have
was an interesting time patterns. (According to Debby Oscar) E N T E R T A I N M E N T these they had the old-fashioned
period, and was full of The people of the twenties would trains as well, and buses, bicycles, and
triumphs and tragedies. watch live action movies, like the very horses. (In The World Suddenly Became
ones that we would go see at a movie Smaller)
The twenties cam after theater. They would listen to different F O O D /M E A L S
the end of WW1, and genres of music, yet the most popular
before the stock market one was what is known as jazz. Some In the twenties they were all about
crash. Stock values were famous jazz songs were West End health choices, and the right
rising, the amount of Blues (Louis Armstrong, 1928). Other nutrients, but they also wanted to
money being spent was famous artists/musicians were: Jelly have their sweet treat moments. In the
reduced, and real estate was Roll Morton, Cliff Edwards, Jimmie twenties the meals that people most
DID TH E TW ENTIES ACTUA LLY RO A R? becoming extremely Rodgers, Django Reinhardt, Buddy enjoyed were the famous Babe Ruth
T H E popular. People would Rich, Ted Lewis etc. (In 1920?s Fashion bars, Wonder Bread, Popsicles, Hostess
T R I U M P H A N T drink liquor, would party and Music) Cakes, Kool-Aid, Velveeta Cheese,
emotions go, and just be interested in this era once Dinners and desserts such as IceBox
2 0 ' s and just feel free. Yet a P A R T I E S
wild-spirited during this you?re done reading! I bet Cakes and Chicken and Rice with
By Ariel Newton general disagreement M E N S C L O T H I N G
time period. Now that you even use some 1920?s Golden Sauce, Baked Rice Milanaise,
What it was like to live in might seem like some slang in modern-day terms among the people let to the Men in the twenties wore suites, In the twenties the people did Prosperity Sandwiches, Hot Brown
the 1920?s? start of racism, many activities, such as dancing,
phonus balonus, but I'm like ?Swell? or shirts, high waisted pants, vests, pants, sandwich, Ice box cakes, Cocktails,
violence,nervousness, singing, drinking, smoking etc.
Slang, parties, money, serious we could really ?Heebie-jeebies.? As you sweaters, jackets/coats, suspenders, Poor quality alcohol, One of the most
intolerance, Klu Klux Klan, According to Lascaw, ?They would
fashion, new relationships, learn a thing or two from can tell much of the slang political intolerance, vintage glasses, hair pomade, razor set. spend late nights sneaking out to a popular cocktails was Sidecar.
foods, drinks, happiness, the twenties. It wasn?t all usage that we have learned (According to Debby Oscar) (According to Newman, ?The Food
strikes, negative groups, speakeasy or hideaway bar to go
new technology. Sounds perfect, but they problem was originated from this Decade That Roared?)
relationships between the smoke a cigar and drink a nice cup of
like an unknown fantasy, solved until it was better. period of time. F L A P P E R S
same gender, and the liquor. Most men would smoke, and T E R M I N O L O G Y
yet it wasn?t it was the buzz, The twenties were full
As you can tell the Flappers were young women who were go out while the women tended to the
the fun, the nightlife, it was of many blooming ideas,
twenties era was very very attractive, and were known to be children. ?So, a new creation came out
the roaring 20?s! Imagine if transportation systems Bees-Knees- Business,
independent they had a letting woman be able to smoke and
all you did was party, gain were becoming noticed, rebels in that time period. They would or inform ation
new form of language called spend their nights hanging around keep their lipstick on, this cigarette
money, use new inventions, new forms of fashion, Phonus Balonus- "Funny
slang, and it was used very men, trying to be flirty, and drinking had a red end, because most women
and have fun. Of course new ?social groups.? Business", nonsense
often. As they would say many drinks such as liquor and wore red lipstick, and it made woman
there were conflicts, yet the Meals that are made
?Cat?s Meow, or Cat?s cocktails. Flappers were known as look more rebellious and cool. If Cat's M eow/Cat's
people of the twenties specifically to satisfy woman didn?t want to smoke they
Pajamas? (To give young girls, as they were about Pajam as- Inform ation
decided to be excited about your needs, and parties
information) I will give you nineteen, and women just would listen to music on there radios, H eebie-Jeebies- Nerves
their future, instead of and music that or go do other fun activities.
all of the cat?s pajamas on experiencing womanhood. According or anxiety/nervousness
worry about it. The ?Bee?s entertains you, when (According to Lascaw, New York
the twenties. Maybe too to Rosenberg, ?They wore unbuckled
Knees? was to let your your bored. Yet, the Literally Invented Nightlife) Swell- Good, fine, or well
much, but you?ll be very galoshes that would make a "flapping"
change of status for women.