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                                                                                                                                          The American Revolution and            The American Revolution included
                                                                                                                                    French Revolution are alike in a few   some simple yet recognizable uniforms. The
                                                                                                    By Jill Peterson
                                                                               TO                                                   ways?                           ?good side? (as we know it) was originally to

                                                                                                                                       -   The ?good? sides (as we   wear brown coats, though there was a
                                                                                                                                                                    shortage in brown cloth. The buttons on the
                                                                                                                                    know it) were rebellers for a good   uniforms ranged from the sizes of ½ to 7/16
                                                                               SMITHEREENS                                          cause. They were rebelling for   big (Brooks). The soldiers were still cold and
                                                                                                                                                                    had to battle long, bitter winters, though
                                                                                                                                       -   They both fought for more
                                                                                                                                                                    what they had seemed luxurious compared
                                                                                  Selfishness can get                               than a year, so they lasted quite a   to the French Revolution?
                                                                                                                                    while which was a great
                                                                                                                                    accomplishment.                    The French Revolution:
                                                                                  the best of you                               -   There were mini                                            The

                                                                                                                                    uprisings during the
                                                                                  sometimes...                                      wars.  (Busick)                                           Attire
                                                                                                                                How are they                                                     The
                                                                                                                                                                                           uniforms for
                                                                                                                                  Different?                                                                     French Revolution Attire
                                                                                                                                                                                           the French
                Promises are tricky. They are something   So?  What Happened          Revolution (Courbet).                       The American Revolution                                  Revolution
         that seems easy to propose, but are also                            BY JILL PETERSON                                                                                              weren?t that           uniforms compared to the French
                                                            Before?                     The American Revolution:            and French Revolution end up
         easy to break. You?ve probably made a                                                                              being a little more disalike                                   good. By               Revolution
         promise to a friend and broken it. Did it hurt          The Americans were in control of by   The War                                                                             uniforms we        -   The French Revolution?s uniforms
                                                                                                                            than alike. Here are a few
         their feelings? Did you feel guilty? Breaking   England and King George III in the 1700?s.                                                                                        mean nothing           weren?t as precise as the American
                                                                                            According to Smith, the American   examples?
         promises may seem like a little thing, but   They began to rebel and soon began a war                                                                                             at all. People         Revolution?s uniforms  (Brooks)
                                                                                      Revolution was a huge historical event for   -  The American
         promises can expand into treaties and pacts   with King George III (Busick).  USA ended up                                                                                        literally wore
                                                                                      Americans. They had freedom from King                                                                                                Fin
         that can be illegal to break and bring great   winning in the end with the help of some                                    Revolution had                                         their street
                                                                                      George III and could start their own place.
         consequences.                         other countries. A few years after, the                                              uniforms, while the                                    clothes                Have you broke a promise? If you have,
                                                                                      They had decent quality uniforms that         French Revolution did
                                               French Revolution sparked against the king                                                                                                      because     even if it is not a major as the situation, then
                Imagine that you have helped someone                                  differed from the red coated Britains. They   not.
                                               in France at the time. People wonder if these                                                                                                   no one      you should apologize and try not to break
         with something, made a treaty to stay allies                                 had to battle through tough winters, plan   -  The French       American Revolution Attire
                                               two events are somewhat connected and if                                                                                                        was         anymore because that is obviously not that
         forever, then when you are in trouble, your                                  very strategically, etc. The Americans were   Revolution had barely any supplies
                                               the American Revolution and America in                                                                               prepared for the battle and everyone was   cool. Stay true to your friends and family and
         friend isn?t there for you for their own sake.                               not at all expected to win the war, but after   while the American Revolution had
                                               general had an impact on France and the                                                                              kind of poor not to mention the previously   learn from the past history, especially the
         On your behalf, you are sad and feel upset                                   creating alliances, they ended up winning     a lot of supplies.
                                               French Revolution because of the similar                                                                             said furniture barricades that were built.   French and American conflicts.
         by your ?friend? and their decisions. On their                               the last, final battle (Smith). George    -   The American Revolution?s ?good
                                               motives and close time periods.                                                                                      People in France at the time wore your
         behalf, they may feel somewhat guilty,                                       Washington, America?s first president, lead
                                                                                                                                    side? (as we know it) won, while the
         however are probably satisfied that they         The big thing everyone looks at when   to way through the battle. People all over   French Revolution?s ?good side? (as   typical clothing?  a shirt, pants, and shoes.
         didn?t get dragged into your mess and are   comparing the two is the actual war. The   the planet can recognize the American   we know it) lost.           Nothing much to distinguish themselves or
         still okay, even if you are not. That?s tough,   American Revolution and the French   Revolution.                                                          make themselves look extremely powerful.
                                                                                                                                -   The French Revolution lasted longer
         right?                                Revolution are both similar and different.                                                                           (Brooks)
                                                                                      The French Revolution: The                    at ten years, while the American
                                               Like said in the beginning, the American                                                                                  How are they Alike?
                America and France signed a treaty                                                                                  Revolution lasted at seven years.
                                               Revolution was said to influence the French           War
         when Ben Franklin was in France that                                                                                       The difference is three years.
                                               Revolution. However, there are some                                                                                        The uniforms were only alike in one way?
         promised to be allies. France even saved                                            The French Revolution is not as well   (American Revolution vs. French Revolution)
                                               differences. According to Busick, the
         American and helped them win the                                             known as the American Revolution?  not                                           -   The uniforms were not made the
                                               American Revolution was more broken                                                As you should?ve picked up, the American
         American Revolution. (Treaty of Alliance with                                even close. According to Courbet, the                                                richest materials (Brooks)
                                               down and planned well. There were battle                                     Revolution and French Revolution had a
         France). However, when the French                                            rebellers had no uniforms, they were broke,
                                               plans, uniforms, alliances, etc. However, the                                huge difference when it came to the terms of   How are they different?
         Revolution roared around, the American                                       and had somewhat no plans. The king?s men
                                               French Revolution wasn?t nearly as                                           uniforms. All uniforms tend to vary
         army decided not to help so that they would                                  had fancy uniforms, were supplied by the                                            The uniforms are disalike in way more
                                               strategized. There were no uniforms and                                      throughout time, though the American
         remain neutral. People never really talk                                     king, and had a battle plan. Furniture was                                    ways?
                                                                                                                            Revolution and French Revolution had a
         about the French Revolution, but you can   literal furniture                 used by the rebellers to create barricades
         see how the French Revolution was even                                       against the king?s men. The saddest part is   huge difference being that the French   -  The American Revolution uniforms
                                               was used for a barricade. The French                                         Revolution had absolutely no uniform at all    matched while the French
         inspired by the American Revolution and                                      that the rebellers didn?t even win. The king
                                               Revolution also ended with pure tragedy.                                                                                    Revolution uniforms were just
         how when America had a friend, it was                                        took back over after winning the small war   (Brooks).
                                               The king took back over France and won the                                                                                  street clothes
         awesome and the war was great, and when                                      (Busick).
                                               war. That is obviously a very different story                                The American Revolution:                   -   The American Revolution was way
         France was alone how hard the battle was.
                                               than what happened with the American        How are they Alike?              Attire                                         more prepared when it came to   Freedom for America
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