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and taught to be subordinate to them. This                  be to please your husband and make him
   definitely differs from women?s rights today and            happy.?(Spectator Magazine). As a child,
   how much more equality they have gained over                women had to be subordinate to their father
   time.                                                       and then they became a feme covert; her

   The sixteenth and seventeenth centuries brought             identity and property was transferred to her
   English Protestants who sought to purify the                husband upon marriage. There were times,
   Church of England of Roman Catholic practices,              however, where women, unlike men, stepped

   maintaining that the Church of England had not              outside their traditional gender roles. Men
   been fully reformed and needed to become more               did not need to because they had all the
   Protestant. They settled and founded Boston,                freedom they wanted and there was no need
   Massachusetts. However, the laws of Puritan                 to. Women lacked that freedom though.
   society were strict, especially for women.                  Women in power made men feel out of
                                                               control and unable to make sense of their
                                                               position. The insecurity the men felt, led to

   Puritan Women's Rights                                      their harsh treatment to women. Women who
                                                               ?broke the roles? faced public ridicule, and
   For women, growing up in Puritan society                    sometimes legal reprimand for their actions,
   included learning how to behave and what to do              ?In the late 1600s, trials for fornication and
   from their mothers. They were also taught by the            infanticide specifically directed at women
                                      Primer (to a             increased.?(?Gender Roles in Colonial
                                      lesser extent than       America?).
                                      boys) what
                                      it meant to
                                      be good
 Imagine you live in the sixteenth and   and what it                 Let your Dress, your
 seventeenth centuries. In Puritan society. As a   meant to         Conversation and the
 woman. You might not know what your life   be bad. By              whole Business of your
 How women?s   would be like then. Let me tell you.   the time      life be to please your

 rights have   Your jobs would be solely to maintain   they were    husband and make him
 household order, to encourage faith, and to                        happy.
 evolved since the   know your position. Which was knowing you   girls were
                                      expected to
 were less than men. Religion would be
 17th century.  important in your society, but no, you could   participate
                                      in all the tasks of
 not speak in church. No, you could not be a
                                      adult women              To be a woman in colonial society meant that
 preacher or spread your beliefs. And no,
                                      (?Gender and             they needed to be subordinate to men. Mrs.
 unlike today, you would not have any freedom   Anne Hutchinson preaching
 By Annie Arnold  of speech.  at her house in Boston.  Sexuality in   David Simmons stated, ?Let your Dress, your
                                     Colonial America?)        Conversation and the whole Business of your
 Women have had a continuous struggle with   To be a woman in colonial society meant that they   life be to please your husband and make him
 their rights and equality throughout history.   needed to be subordinate to men. Mrs. David   happy.?(Spectator Magazine). As a child,

 Puritan society was no different, as women   Simmons stated, ?Let your Dress, your   women had to be subordinate to their father
 were viewed as less than men and were told   Conversation and the whole Business of your life   and then they became a feme covert; her
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