Page 5 - December 06, 2017 Magazine Style Full page issue
P. 5
of family gathered around the fire, whose nature it is to want to “attain”
Mixing Bowl feeling the warmth radiating from hearth and move on to the next thing, this
and the hearts of those around you,
is a hard lesson. Becoming mindful,
A mindful smelling the lovely smell of cinnamon, living a mindful life, being aware of
mindfulness, is not something you
cloves, fir trees, and vanilla, and hearing
season the joyful noise of happy children. will completely accomplish; it is
I am getting up each morning
something you work on each day.
I wish you all a happy holiday
with the intent of focusing on
By Gena Lashley mindfulness at every moment. This season, and challenge you to take
usually does not happen, but I do some time each day and focus on your
he holiday season is upon us, a be present in the moment and to see it catch myself each day and try to breath. Breathe deeply, and wholly,
time to give joy, peace, and love with great clarity. rein myself back in. That’s part of and let yourself focus internally. This
Tto each other. This is a time to Each year, I try to slow down the the journey to being mindful, and will help bring a calmness to your
show compassion, empathy, kindness; pace of the season. It usually doesn’t recognizing when I am straying is a life, instill peace in yourself, and
a time to recognize one another as work. This year, I have already fallen pretty good start to getting myself on spread to those around you. It’s the
individual gifts to this world. It’s into the Christmas frenzy trap, but the path to awakening. This journey most lasting and wonderful gift. Peace
easy to get caught up in the hustle unlike other years, this year I recognized will be a lifelong one, and for humans, be with you all.
and bustle of the holiday season. The when I was going off the deep end and
got storm damage?
got storm damage?
parties, the baking, the gift buying, the pulled myself back. To be mindful is to
driving; it’s so easy to mindlessly go be absolutely in the present moment. It SAVE ENERGY! SLASH FUEL BILLS!
through the motions during this time is thinking before speaking and making REDUCE OUTSIDE NOISE!
of year. It is not a quiet or peaceful sure that when you do speak, what you We specialize in exterior home remodeling!
time; it is chaotic at times, joyful at are saying has meaning. We must learn CALL TODAY FOR A QUOTE
others, and it always goes by much too to speak with gentleness, to ensure that Your property may have damage from recent storms.
fast. before we let words slip through our lips Call today for a FREE storm damage assessment.
I have recently undertaken a task that we know that the words are kind, • Locally owned & operated
that is harder than I imagined, and true, and necessary. Mindless chatter • Highest quality materials
that is practicing mindfulness. I am is just like static on a TV, annoying and • Exterior remodeling services
studying, practicing, reading, reading, pointless. We have this powerful ability
and reading some more; being mindful to communicate with one another yet • Fast, reliable service
is not as easy as you might think. This waste our breath a million times a day. • Fully licensed & insured
particular time of year is particularly During this mindful time, we are to 804-520-9791
trying. All of the exciting distractions, appreciate the sights, smells, sounds, and Free Estimates • No Obligation
the music, the glittering lights, the tastes of our current circumstance. What Locally Owned & Operated Since 1998
Locally Owned & Operated
money that is begging to be spent, it’s a joy mindfulness is when experienced
difficult to be mindful at all times, to during the holidays; taking in the sight Storm Damage Restoration • Roofing • Siding • Windows • Gutters
Toy airlift arrives
Saturday Alzheimer’s
Pilots from the Virginia Chapter of the
Ninety-Nines collect toys donated at other Specialty Center
airports throughout the state and fly them to
Richmond Executive – Chesterfield County
Airport. Residents are encouraged to bring
gifts to the airport now through Dec. 9
and leave them in a donation box located
in the lobby. Santa also will be flying in to
visit with children on Sunday from noon
to 2 p.m. Entertainment will be provided
throughout the day, and King’s Korner
restaurant will be open for lunch. After the
event, soldiers from Fort Lee pick donations
up and transport them to the Holiday Helper
Association for distribution.
In addition to toys, gifts, and gift cards Understanding and Responding to
(Visa or MasterCard preferred, or cards to
Target, Wal-Mart, and local restaurants or
stores), items are needed for the veterans Dementia-Related Behavior
at McGuire Veterans Hospital. They presented by the Alzheimer’s Association
need clothing (larger sizes of men’s and
women’s underwear, socks, sweat pants and Wednesday, Dec. 20 6 p.m. - 7 p.m.
shirts) and toiletries (8-12 oz. containers
of deodorant, body wash, lotion, alcohol-
free mouthwash, toothpaste, and denture
cleanser and adhesive). Sunflower Gardens cutting-edge Alzheimer’s Specialty Center is designed with neighborhoods around a town
center – giving residents with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia the chance to live normal lives.
Richmond Executive – Chesterfield
County Airport is located at 7427 Airfield “Come take a walk through town with us”
Dr. For more information, contact Barbara
Headley, 580-4624 or barbaraheadley@ Reservations and Deposits are now being taken, or Joyce Meier, 932-3641 5305 Plaza Drive Prince George, VA 23860 804-452-5000
or DECEMBER 6,, 2017 05