Page 7 - December 06, 2017 Magazine Style Full page issue
P. 7
Continued from page 1 “I have such joy giving them away,”
said Dorn. “I am happy and overjoyed
The nativity to share them, especially for the
children who can buy a $1 raffle ticket
to have a nativity for their own.”
bring some joy and excitement to is also grateful to the committee for Everyone agreed that bringing the
our community, a great way to open organizing the event, Becky Lang, community together for a fun event is
our hearts to the different ways we chair; Susan and Richard Nunnally, more important that trying to calculate
approach the birth of Christ.” Mapes Sandra Walker, and Dorn. how much money they might raise.
Dorn said there are some treasures
in the collection; they are all handmade Walker, who handles the finances for
the church, said, “The activity [silent
and one of a kind. Many of the auction and raffle] taking place is more
nativities are hand-carved from wood. important than the monetary gain [from
Other materials include ceramics, pine the auction.] It’s about bringing people
tags, soapstone, corn husks, banana together and coming for a common
fiber, papier-mache, metal, and even cause.”
flatware. His favorite, if he had one The
is one he bought from The Pottery in church
THE AUCTION COMMITTEE FROM LEFT: Williamsburg by potter Ulrike (ULI) will be Letters
panel of the The opinions of the Editor’s Inbox do not
nativity sets reflect the opinions of the Village News. Please
OPINION included in limit letter length to under 350 words. (The editor
the silent reserves the right to allow longer letters or edit letter length.) A name and address is required to
eventually going to Hull Street Road) and Chester be considered for publication; however, Village
News will not publish or distribute a letter writer’s
the North/South Expressway (from Route Presbyterian address. Let us know your opinions on current
10 to Branders Bridge), which will affect Church is events; send your letter to info@villagepublishing.
Letters to everyone in the Chester area with traffic located at com.
3424 W.
the Editor gridlock like Enon is having with the Hundred Rd. Thank you.
Meadowville site. They tell us people will
use the expressway, but in Enon, that’s not
A warning for The employees are told to use I-295
Chesterfield to get to and from the site, and signs are
placed on Route 10, but look at River’s
residents Bend Boulevard and Route 10, and you’ll
see gridlock at shift change times every
day. This is just the beginning. They plan
I am a 74-year-old widow who has
lived in a house my husband and I built over on taking the East/West Expressway all the
way to Hull Street Road going parallel to
50 years ago, and now Chesterfield County River Road in Matoaca.
wants to take it to build a road most of the If we don’t speak up and protest this
residents of this area don’t want. It seems we are going to all be living in gridlock like
the powers that be in Chesterfield are not that on Hull Street and Enon, with massive
responsive to their residents like those in subdivisions on all our doorsteps. Who is
Hanover, who listen to their citizens when governing our county, those we elected or
they oppose something and compromise on the Chesterfield Economic Development
decisions. Authority, whom none of us elected?
On Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2017, two days
And, by the way, they are spending
before Thanksgiving, I came home from millions of dollars on speculation because
a trip to Durham, N.C. and found a phone they claim not to have a tenant for this COME AND ENJOY
message from Jessie Smith, the head of proposed heavy industrial mega site
Chesterfield’s transportation department, surrounded by very nice subdivisions. WINE &CIDER TASTINGS
saying that a relocation company would be If they are going to do this to us in the AND SAMPLE OUR MENU ITEMS
contacting me within the next two weeks Bermuda District, what’s to say they will
to discuss relocation from my home for a not make this kind of spot zoning in your
road that has never been approved by the neighborhood? Help those fighting this to TASTING ROOM
county or the state. Wasn’t this an ugly succeed or your neighborhood could be HOURS
surprise, because I know there have been next. Please check the BARD site at www.
no public votes on this issue, so why are to learn more about how WED-FRI
they contacting property owners before the Chesterfield County government is
the road has been approved by the county shoving the Matoaca megasite (so named NOON - 8 P.M.
or the state? Obviously this is not open by the county so people in Chester wouldn’t SAT & SUN
government! realize it is in the Bermuda District) down
If they are doing this to us, what else 11 A.M. - 6 P.M.
are they doing behind closed doors and our throat. HAPPY HOUR every
in back rooms to step on our rights as Johnnie Humphrey Thursday 4 p.m. - 6 p.m.
citizens and squander our tax money? Their South Chesterfield
plan includes an East/West Expressway ASHTON CREEK VINEYARD 14501 JEFFERSON DAVIS HWY CHESTER, VA
(from I-95 to Branders Bridge Road and 804-896-1586 DECEMBER 6, 2017 07