Page 9 - December 06, 2017 Magazine Style Full page issue
P. 9

       Living Safe                                                           decorations, let me say something   from a ladder.
       Christmas                                                             about ladders. Many of you do not        Bringing more fire causes
                                                                                                                 and combustibles into your home
                                                                             climb ladders on a regular basis. It is
                                                                             important to ensure that your ladder
                                                                                                                 accentuates your need for smoke
       decorations                                                           is put up on a level surface and that,   alarms and a practiced home escape
                                                                                                                 plan. Smoke alarms are your best
                                                                             if possible, you have someone to foot
       By Pete Hypes                                                         the ladder. A danger when working   source of early warning in the event
                                                                             from a ladder is when you lean to the   of a fire in your home. Once the
             recent fire in a home in     is. As stated at the beginning of this   left or right. There have been some   alarm sounds, what will you and
             northern Chesterfield was    article, faulty extension cords and   that climb a ladder, only to have to   your family do? You and your family
       A     caused by a faulty extension   other faulty electrical equipment can   be rescued by firefighters because   may only have one chance to escape
       cord. The faulty cord was in the   cause a fire in your home.         they were afraid to climb down. It is   uninjured. Be careful to think through
       basement of the home. The resulting        As you put packages around your   important that you be intentional with   your fire safety plan as you prepare
       fire displaced seven people. This   tree, you need to be mindful of what   every step and move while working   for this joyous time of the year.
       fire is a good stage-setter for an   could possibly cause the packages
       article about Christmas decorations.   to catch fire. You do not want your
       Christmas lights, Christmas trees,   especially a space heater, wood stove  Paying Cash!
                                          packages close to any heat source,
       and Christmas presents bring with
       them more fire causes and more     or fireplace. Combustibles should be           Gold, Silver, and Platinum
       combustibles to your home. As you   kept at least three feet from all heat
       adorn your home for Christmas,     sources.                              BUYING KENNEDY HALVES 1965 TO 1969 *CALL FOR PRICE*
       please be sure to check everything        People are more prone to burn   Village Coin is  paying top dollar for your jewelry
       closely.                           their fireplaces or candles during   and anything gold, silver, or platinum.
            If you are going to bring a live   this time of the year. It is important                       WE BUY & SELL ALL
       tree into your home, then you must   that you have your fireplace cleaned
       keep the tree watered. A video put out   and inspected by a licensed/                                    UNITED STATES
       by the NIST showed the effect of fire   insured company at least annually.                        GOLD & SILVER COINS
       on a dry tree versus a watered tree.   Remember, do not burn your
       The dry tree caught fire fast and burnt   wrapping paper in your fireplace                        Licensed and Bonded. Serving the Same Location for 32Years
       rapidly. In fact, a dry tree burns like   or wood stove. The best candles to      Village Coin
       gasoline. The indication of a dry tree   burn are those contained in glass
       is that the needles begin to fall off. I   containers, with this statement in        1910 Boulevard, Colonial Heights
       cannot tell you the point that a tree   mind: “when you go out, blow them      (Corner of Temple Ave. & Boulevard, two story building w/maroon awnings)
       goes from being well-watered to dry,   out!” Candles can be knocked over or                    520-4949
       but if there is any doubt, you need to   burn down and cause a fire on what
       remove the tree from your home. If   they are sitting on. Another thing to
       you put your Christmas tree near one   keep in mind are your fireplace or   We wish you a very Merry Christmas!
       of your primary exits, then your home   woodstove ashes. You must remember
       escape plan must reflect that exit   that ashes can cause a fire, even if
       potentially being blocked.         you have not burned it for a week or
            You must check all lights and   two. You must put ashes in a metal                                 Gotta
       extension cords that you will be using   container, away from combustibles
       for proper operation. If you find that   on the outside of your home. I have
       you have faulty lights or cords, then   seen homes, sheds, garages, vehicles,                           love a
       replace them. You will be taxing   trash cans, and woodpiles burn up due
       your electrical system simply by the   to improperly discarded fireplace or                             good
       additional lights that you put up. If   woodstove ashes.
       you start kicking breakers, then you        Concerning the dangers that
       need to figure out what the problem   come with putting up Christmas                                    combo


                                                                                                              … especially when it
                                                                                    Phil Cunningham, Agent
       ANTHONY, Ms. Charlotte, 92, of Chesterfield.                                 10100 Iron Bridge Road     saves you money.
       BROWN, Mrs. Darlene Pinkney, 59, of Chesterfield.                            Chesterfield, VA  23832    I can help you save an
                                                                                      Bus: 804-748-6556
       BROOKS, Ms. Lillian Vest, 94, of Chesterfield.                
       CLAY, Mr. Robert Vincent “Vinnie,” 60, of Chester, husband of Jo Ann M. Clay.                           average of $600*.   Talk to me
       CLAYTON, Mr. Green Alex Jr., 79, of North Chesterfield, an Army veteran.                                about combining your renters
       EANES, Mrs. Sarah Foy Gay, 92, of Chester, widow of J. Walter Eanes Sr.                                 and auto insurance today.
       GATTIS, Mrs. Jeanett Lynn Lau, 58, of Chester.                                                          Get to a better State .
       GRAVELY, Mrs. Alexandra “Aleka” Tsiamtsouri, 63, of Chesterfield, wife of Harry
       Gravely Jr.                                                                                             Get State Farm.
       KERSEY, Mr. John Adams Jr., 83, of North Chesterfield, husband of Jeannette Stone                       CALL ME TODAY.
       KUNZE, Ms. Candice Lau, 30, of Chester.
       PARTRIDGE, Mr. Howard Scott, 57, of North Chesterfield, a Marine Corps veteran.
       RISHER, Mrs. Jean Steed, 86, of North Chesterfield.
       SHEETS, Mrs. Martha Pulley, of Chesterfield, companion of Mike Sheets.
       SMITH, Mrs. Nancy Sault, of Chesterfield, wife of Wade Smith.
       TAYLOR, Mrs. Marie Carter, 71, of Chesterfield, widow of Amos Taylor.       *Average annual per household savings based on a national 2010 survey of new policyholders who
                                                                                                   reported savings by switching to State Farm.
                                                                                State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL
                                                                                  State Farm Fire and Casualty Company, State Farm General Insurance Company, Bloomington, IL
                                                                              1201143                                                                                            DECEMBER 6,  2017  09
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