Page 18 - 07-26-2017 full page paper
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County school board
                 SCHOOLS                                                                                                  seeks applicants for

                                                                                       advisory committee
        Explore educational and training options
        during Open House events at JTCC

                                                                                                                      Information about these
            The community is invited to        •	  Majors that save students   held from 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the   upcoming Open House events may
        visit John Tyler Community College’s       money while putting them on a   Chester Campus, located at 13101   be found at
        campuses during Open House events          path to a bachelor’s degree.  Jefferson Davis Highway. Attendees   For directions to Tyler’s campuses, go
        on July 31, and August 1. During                                       are asked to meet in the Nicholas   to
        these events, attendees will have the   •	  Classes that incorporate hands-  Center, room N102a. General
        opportunity to learn about Tyler’s         on learning using cutting-edge   Information Sessions will start at   To learn more about Tyler’s
        programs and services; get tips on         simulators and high-tech labs.  11 a.m., 1 p.m., 4 p.m., and 6 p.m.   majors, visit,
        how to pay for college; tour campus;                                   Financial Aid Sessions will be held at   and for a current list of the college’s
        and discuss educational options that   •	  Certificate programs that can   12 p.m., 2:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.   fall classes, go to
        align with their personal goals. Those     be completed in less than one                                  schedule. Steps on how to get started
        ready to attend Tyler will also receive    year.                          The August 1 Open House will be   at Tyler may be found at www.jtcc.
        assistance with their application,     •	  Guaranteed transfer         held from 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the   edu/admissions/get-started-at-tyler.
        class registration and the financial aid   agreements with more        Midlothian Campus, located at 800     Advisory committees established
        process.                                                               Charter Colony Parkway. Attendees   by the Chesterfield County School
                                                   than 35 four-year colleges   are asked to meet in Eliades Hall,   Board are one way that community
            Tyler’s Open House events are          and universities that allow   room E113. General Information   members can connect with the
        free and open to all who would like to     associate degree graduates   Sessions will start at 11 a.m., 1 p.m.,   school division. Advisory committee
        learn about their educational options,     to seamlessly continue their   4 p.m., and 6 p.m. Financial Aid   members are appointed from each of
        including:                                 educations.                 Sessions will be held at 12 p.m., 2:30   the county’s five magisterial districts.
                                                                                                                 Commitees include parents, teachers,
                                                                               p.m. and 5 p.m.
                                               •	  Flexible class schedules that                                 staff members, students, and other
                                                   include on-campus, online,     Each session will last         community members interested in
            •	  Programs that lead to              hybrid (partially online and   approximately 30 minutes and will   helping Chesterfield County Public
                                                                                                                 Schools achieve its vision of providing
               careers, industry-recognized        partially on-campus), day and   include time for questions. After each   an engaging and relevant education that
               certifications, and networking      evening options.            session, guided tours of campus will   prepares every student to adapt and
               opportunities with area                                         be held, and personalized assistance   thrive in a rapidly changing world.
               employers.                                                      will be available for those interested
                                               The July 31 Open House will be   in applying to Tyler and registering           READ MORE ON PAGE 19
                                                                               for Fall 2017 semester classes.



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                                                                                                  Village      News

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