Page 20 - 07-26-2017 full page paper
P. 20



        Bronco U11                          CCHASM celebrates

        World Series                        re-opening of career

               Chesterfield County will host the
        Bronco U11 World Series, in which
        eight teams from around the world   clothes cottage
        will compete for the championship.
        Chesterfield Baseball Clubs coordinates
        this event, which includes group play for
        the first three days, with the semifinals   This Wednesday at July 24, 2   Job Corps Program to provide   in CCHASM.  When faith-based
        and championship game on Sunday.   p.m., the Chesterfield - Colonial   professional interview attire at   organizations come together to meet
               Games begin on  Thursday, July 27   Heights Alliance for Social Ministry   no cost to the graduates of these   community needs, transformation
        and go through Sunday, July 30.    (CCHASM), along with the Chester    programs. Individual community     happens in the lives of those who
        All games will be played at Harry Daniel  United Methodist Church and   residents in need also have access to   need it most,” says Sylvia Meadows,
        Park at Ironbridge, 6600 Whitepine   countless supporters, will celebrate   the Women’s Career Clothes Cottage.  Senior Pastor at Chester United
        Road, Chesterfield (fields 12 and 13).  the long-awaited move of it's     “Practically, this program fosters   Methodist Church.
        Opening ceremonies will be held    Women’s Career Clothes Cottage      growth and progress by allowing        All clothing and accessories are
        Thursday, at 4:30 p.m., field 12. Jim   with a ribbon cutting ceremony   access to the benefits of interviewing  donated by the local community.
        Holland of the Chesterfield County   and tours of the new location. The   for professional jobs.  Personally,   CCHASM is accepting donations of
        Board of Supervisors will throw the   ceremony will take place at the new   the confidence that shines through   gently used career clothing, shoes,
        ceremonial first pitch prior to the first   Career Clothes Cottage, located at   the women’s faces when leaving   handbags, jewelry, and accessories.
        game.                              12117 Percival Street, Chester.  One   the Clothes Cottage cannot be   In 2016, the Women’s Clothes
        Thursday night schedule -  5:30 p.m.    of four major programs offered by   measured.”                    Cottage had a direct impact on 179
        Western Branch, Va vs. The Philippines;   CCHASM, the Career Clothing     This move was made necessary    women in the CCHASM service
        5:30 p.m. Aruba vs. Mexico; 8 p.m. -   Cottage provides interview and work   by a flood at the former location   area.
        Simi Vally, Ca vs. San Benito, Tx; and 8   attire for women re-entering the   in January.  When Chester United
        p.m. - Chicago, Il vs. CBC.        workforce following considerable    Methodist Church learned that
        For more information, visit www.   hardship.  Hoping to inspire        CCHASM was seeking a new or   confidence and professionalism,     location, they quickly offered to help
        default.aspx?portalid=10758.       CCHASM has partnered with the       with a generous donation of space.
        For contact information: Blake Eller,   Women’s Detention Center and      “This partnership is an extension
        Chesterfield Baseball Clubs, 357-  the Department of Social Service    of our long standing membership
        6968 or
        or Danny Bonifas, sports tourism
        coordinator, Chesterfield County Parks
        and Recreation, 796-7045 or bonifasd@

                                                                                                              12420 Jefferson Davis Highway
                                                                                                                       Chester, VA
                                                                                                           On the corner of Route 1 & Route 10

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