Page 21 - 07-26-2017 full page paper
P. 21
Rise and Shine in the Dogpound
a small stream came out. Checking the
Breaking things head, I found that almost every hole was QUICKIES
filled with hard water deposits. So,
”The Japanese have a word for
in the Dogpound I got some shower spray that I use to it. It’s Judo--the art of conquering by
keep hard water off the walls…soaked a
yielding. The Western equivalent of judo
paper towel and wrapped it around the
Round No. 2 head and let it soak for a while. It didn’t is, Yes, dear.”
I got a notice in the mail the other
help much, so I found a bobby pin…
you know, one those straight pins with day that I could enter a contest to win a
By Walter “JR” Wilson a little bulb on the end of it. I would whole year’s supply of toothpaste from
push the pin into a hole, until it poked Crest. Wow...what will that be 2-3 tubes
ello and welcome back to “blade shield”. It just pulled through through …then I would spray the water tops? You can tell they are having a
the wonderful world of the the iron plate; wear and tear had just to get loose pieces out of the hole. Poke great year. Lol
HDogpound where if it ain’t worn the hole bigger and bigger till and repeat. I was down to the last hole An elderly man is stopped by the
broke…just wait a while. As you there was nothing left to hold the bolt and it was very hard. I was pushing police around 2:30 a.m. and is asked
remember from my last article…you in place. With a bit of effort I was able until the needle started to bend…and where he is going at this time of night.
do remember??? Probably not. LOL. to get the bolts off the bar…they were then “POW!”…it sprung out of my The man replies, “I am on my way to
I was explaining last week how my pretty dinged up…added a few washers hand. I looked on the floor…nope… a lecture about alcohol abuse and the
riding lawn mower broke and the hood and put it all back together again. Not looked in the sink… nope…with aid of effects it has on the human body, as well
latch on my car snap a spot weld. The pretty, but I think it will get me through a flashlight, I looked in the drain….and as smoking and staying out late.” The
hood latch still works, but my riding the rest of the mowing season. Next, I of course, that is where the pin wound officer then asks, “Really? Who is giving
lawn mower broke in the same place it went to use the sprayer in my kitchen up. I thought about just leaving it in the that lecture at this time of night?” The
did the last time. Good news, though, sink…you know, the one on the flexible garbage disposal, but with my streak of man replies, “That would be my wife.”
is that I did bend the bar holding the hose …well…when I tried to use it, only things breaking…I figured that would That is all I have for today. As
not be a wise course of action. As I said, always be good, do good, play safe and
I could see it, but once I put my hand in remember if you break it you have to fix
the drain, it was all left to touchy feely it…or at least give it a good try.
and I was not having any luck. I even JR
tried using some tweezers, but with no
sight or feel it was impossible to pick
it up till I came up with this brilliant
idea. Now be prepared to be amazed! I
took two small kitchen magnets…little
buttons…and put them on both sides
of the tweezers. I put my hand back in
the drain…wiggled the tweezers around
a bit….slowly lifted my hand back
out, and viola…success!! Gives new
meaning to the phrase…”looking for a
needle in a haystack.”
"Move fast and break things. Unless you
are breaking stuff, you are not moving
fast enough." – Mark Zuckerberg JULY 26, 2017 13